General Douglas MacArthur, United States Army, was appointed Military Adviser to the Commonwealth of the Philippines, with the approval of the President of the United States, upon its inauguration in November, 1935. General MacArthur, assisted by the American Military Mission which he formed, devised original plans and methods to develop the national defense of the Philippines. The Military Mission was the instrument which enabled the Government of the Commonwealth to train and equip an army. During bitter assaults by shortsighted or misguided critics of my national defense policy the Military Mission, on many occasions, bore the brunt of the attack and contributed immeasurably to the successful fulfillment of my plans. These officers forged the weapon that is now striking the blows on the field of battle that earn for the Philippines the priceless right to be recognized on its merit as an equal in the brotherhood of arms by the nations of the world. A magnificent defense has earned the plaudits and admiration of the world. That no troops have ever done so much with so little is due primarily to the outstanding generalship that made possible the skillful maneuvers that saved the lives of thousands of our soldiers despite the overwhelming force that confronted them. But it is in the importance of the accomplishment of General MacArthur and the Military Mission rather than in their deeds themselves that makes them transcendent. They stand as the outpost of victory of individual freedom and liberty over slavery and tyranny in the mighty struggle that engulfs the world. Win or lose, live or die, no men have ever carried a heavier burden or weightier responsibility with greater resolution and determination. The record of their services is interwoven forever into the national fate of our people.
In recognition of outstanding service to the Commonwealth of the Philippines and pursuant to the authority granted me by Commonwealth Act Number One and especially by the Emergency Powers Law, the officers named below are hereby granted recompense and reward, however inadequate, for distinguished service rendered between November 15, 1935 and December 30, 1941 as indicated below:
General Douglas MacArthur $500,000 U.S. Currency
Major General Richard K. Sutherland $75,000 U.S. Currency
Brigadier General Richard J. Marshall, Jr. $45,000 U.S. Currency
Lieutenant Colonel Sidney L. Huff $20,000 U.S. Currency
Done at Fort Mills, Corregidor, Philippines this third day of January, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-two and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the seventh.
By the President:
(Sgd.) Basilio J. Valdes
Secretary to the President.
Fort Mills, Corregidor,
February 19, 1942.
Received from His Excellency, the President of the Commonwealth, the sum of ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS, (P1,280,000.00).1aшphi1 In the event that orders issued to the Chase National Bank by radio on February 15, 1942, directing the transfer of certain funds, are not carried out, these funds will be applied to that purpose; otherwise, they will be held for the account of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.
Fort Mills, P.I.,
February 25, 1942.
Received from General Douglas MacArthur the sum of ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS (P1,280,000) which have been held by him for the account of the Commonwealth Government for special purposes specified by the President of the Commonwealth.
(Sgd.) MANUEL ROXAS Lt. Col.,
In Charge of Philippine Treasury.
Certified to be a true copy:
Lt. Col., A. D. C.