Pursuant to the provisions of Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred eleven, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, do hereby direct that all bureaus and offices of the National Government, all provincial and municipal government offices, and all other political subdivisions of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, shall have their equipment repaired and all shop manufacturing work done at the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops of the Bureau of Public Works, except in the following cases:
Exception 1. When a bureau, office, or other political subdivision does not have quick and economical access to Manila, the work may either be done at any conveniently accessible government, or private shop in the locality, or it may be sent to the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops for execution, transportation charges both ways to be borne by the office concerned.
Exception 2. When a chief of a bureau, office, or other political subdivision specifically requests or the chief of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops deems it practicable and advantageous that competitive bids from private shops be obtained, said shops shall prepare specifications and shall obtain competitive bids or quotations for the performance of the specified work, from not less than two private shops. If, after opening the bids, the chief of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops finds that the most advantageous bids from a private shop is less than the estimate of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops for equivalent work, including all authorized surcharges, the work shall be awarded to the private shop submitting such bid or quotation. Any expenses in connection with preparation of specifications and obtaining of bids shall be a proper charge against the bureau or office concerned.
Exception 3. When the work to be done is of a character which the Government Shops cannot perform by reason of lack of facilities, equipment or time, it may be undertaken at any other shop, whether government or private, that can handle the work in the most advantageous manner.
Exception 4. When any bureau, office, or other political subdivision operates a duly authorized repair shop, all government work that can properly be done in such shop shall be excempted from the provisions of this Order.
All disbursements made for government work done at private shops shall be supported by a certificate from the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops authorizing such work to be undertaken at a private shop and stating thereon under what exception of this Order the work was authorized.
Unless specifically authorized by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops shall not enter into competitive sealed bidding against private parties, nor shall they accept orders for work other than government work. The Government Shops shall be operated strictly for government work, and shall act as adviser to all government entities on all repair and other shop work.
Except in the case of standardized services or manufactured articles, prices for which have been fixed by the Director of Public Works with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, an estimate furnished by the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops shall be considered not as a fixed price, but only as information as to the maximum amount of funds required for the work. Bills for work done shall be rendered at actual cost of production, plus the authorized surcharge.
This Order shall apply to all requisitions received by the Division of Purchase and Supply involving repair or shop manufacturing work of the Government which the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops are equipped to undertake, and all such requisitions shall hereafter be forwarded to the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops for corresponding action in pursuance of the provisions hereof.
This Order shall take effect on September first, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and revokes Executive Order Numbered Four hundred forty-seven, dated September twenty-third, nineteen hundred and thirty-three, Executive Order Numbered Four hundred seventy-three, dated March thirteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-four, and all other executive orders or parts of executive orders inconsistent herewith.
Done at the City of Manila, this first day of September, in the year of the Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the second.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary of the Interior