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WHEREAS, the Sugar Act of Nineteen hundred and thirty-seven as enacted by the Congress of the United States provides in the section two hundred five (g) that “the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands shall make allotments of any quota established for it pursuant to the provisions of this Act on the basis specified in section six (d) of Public Law Numbered One hundred and twenty-seven, approved March twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty-four”;

WHEREAS, under sections twelve and thirteen of Act Numbered Forty-one hundred and sixty-six, the President of the Philippines is authorized to issue rules and regulations covering the issuance of allotments and licenses and such other rules and regulations as he may consider necessary for the carrying out of the purposes of said Act, and is moreover authorized to name and appoint such representatives or deputies as he may deem necessary to perform any of the duties and powers granted to him therein, with such compensation and emoluments as may be fixed by him; and

WHEREAS, Commonwealth Act Numbered Two hundred and thirty-six approved on September sixteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, authorizes the President of the Philippines to create a new office or agency for the purpose of making allotments of any quota established for the Philippines pursuant to the provisions of the United States Sugar Act of nineteen hundred and thirty-seven and of enforcing Act Numbered Forty-one hundred and sixty-six, as amended;

THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority herein stated, it is hereby ordered that:

  • (1) There is established in the Office of the Philippines an office to be known as the “Philippine Sugar Administration,” which shall consist of the following three divisions and/or others as the exigencies of the service may require from time to time;

    • (a) Export Division.

    • (b) Domestic Division.

    • (c) Field Service Division.

  • (2) The Philippine Sugar Administration shall be under the general supervision and control of a chief who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines and whose title shall be “Philippine Sugar Administrator.” The Philippine Sugar Administrator shall be assisted by an administrative chief to be known as “Assistant Sugar Administrator” who shall be appointed by the President and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the Philippine Sugar Administrator.

  • (3) The Philippine Sugar Administration is hereby authorized to appoint, subject to approval required by law or regulation, such division chiefs, technical assistants, permit agents, supervisors, sugar accountants, and other personnel as may be necessary for the effective functioning of the Philippine Sugar Administration. Except as otherwise provided by law, all full time employees of the Philippine Sugar Administration shall be selected from those who have successfully passed the civil service examinations for such positions.

  • (4) The Office of the Domestic Sugar Administration, as provided for in Executive Order Numbered Fourteen, is hereby abolished and all powers granted therein, as well as those granted in Act Numbered Forty-one hundred and sixty-six, as amended, and all powers deriving from section two hundred five (g) of the United States Sugar Act of nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, are hereby vested in the Philippine Sugar Administration and the Philippine Sugar Administrator. All such of the trained personnel of the Domestic Sugar Administration and of the section of Agricultural Adjustment Administration heretofore functioning in the Philippines as may be required by the Philippine Sugar Administration shall be transferred to the Philippine Sugar Administration.

  • (5) The Philippine Sugar Administrator shall make the allocation of any United States quota established for the Philippines pursuant to the “Sugar Act of nineteen hundred and thirty-seven” on the basis specified in section (d) of Public Act Numbered One hundred twenty-seven, approved March twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty-four; and shall established the quota for Domestic, Reserve and/or other export sugar and make the allocation thereof among the mills, plantation owners, and planters, pursuant to the provisions of Act Numbered Forty-one hundred and sixty-six, as amended.

  • (6) All Executive Orders, Sugar Orders, and Domestic Sugar Orders heretofore issued fixing and establishing quotas for Domestic and Reserve Sugar; and the allotments and planter’s rights heretofore made of such quotas and of the quotas determined pursuant to Public Resolution Numbered One hundred nine, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved June nineteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, and section eight (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, approved May twelfth, nineteen hundred and thirty-three, as amended and regulating the same, together with all transfers of allotments and planters’ rights fully made under Executive Order Numbered Eight hundred seventy-three and Eight hundred eighty-five, series of nineteen hundred and thirty-five, shall remain in full force and effect until changed or altered by the President of the Philippines in executive orders or by the Philippine Sugar Administrator, with the approval of the President, in a series of orders to be known as Philippine Sugar Orders which shall be serially numbered and published in the Official Gazette.

Done at the City of Manila, this sixteenth day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the second.


President of the Philippines

By the President:


Secretary of the Interior

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