For the purpose of making a careful study of all the problems, domestic and foreign, affecting the abaca industry which constitutes an important factor in the economic life of the Filipino people, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby create and constitute an Advisory Abaca Committee, to be composed of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, as Chairman, and the Director of Plant Industry, the Manager of the Fiber Inspection Service and eleven others, as members, who shall be designated by the President from time to time.
The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Government, its branches, subdivisions, and agencies, and shall perform the following duties:
(a) To study and submit recommendations as to the best economical method of stripping and preparing abaca fiber for the market:
(b) To study foreign market requirements as to quality and classification of fiber;
(c) To serve as liaison between local abaca dealers and foreign buyers of abaca fiber; and
(d) To study and submit recommendation on all other matters affecting the abaca industry.
The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairman and shall submit a report of its accomplishments to the President, through the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce.
The Committee is hereby authorized to call upon any Department, Bureau, office, instrumentality or agency of the Government for such information or assistance as it may deem necessary.
Done at the City of Manila, this ninth day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the second.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary of the Interior