The half-masting of flags on Government buildings shall be governed by the following rules and regulations:
1. On Memorial Day, May thirtieth of every year, the American and Philippine flags are to be half-masted at sunrise until noon as a sign of national mourning for the departed heroes.
2. On the death of a distinguished official of either the United States or the Philippine Government, or on the anniversary of the death of a great martyr or national hero, or on a date commemorating a national mourning or a national loss, the flags on all Government buildings throughout the Philippines may be ordered at half-mast only by the President of the Philippines or by resolution of the National Assembly.
3. On the death of a ranking provincial official, the flags on all Government buildings throughout the province concerned may be ordered at half-mast by the provincial governor or by resolution of the provincial board.
4. On the death of a ranking city official, the flags on all Government buildings throughout the city concerned may be ordered at half-mast by the City Mayor or by resolution of the City Board.
5. On the death of a ranking municipal official, the flags on all Government buildings throughout the municipality concerned may be ordered at the half-mast by the municipal mayor or by resolution of the municipal council.
6. On the death or during the funeral of any teacher, principal, supervisor, or other ranking school official, the school or schools concerned may half-mast their own flags by order of the proper school authorities.
7. On the death of any member of the Philippine Army, the army regulations regarding half-masting of flags shall be observed.
Done at the City of Manila, this eighth day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the third.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary to the President