Pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Two, and by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by Article VII, section eleven, paragraph (4), of the Constitution, the National Economic Council is hereby constituted and established with the following membership:
The Honorable, the Secretary of Finance, who is hereby designated as Chairman of the Council; the Honorable, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce; the Chairman, Board of Directors, Philippine National Bank; the President, National Development Co., the President, Manila Railroad Company; Mr. Joaquin M. Elizalde; Hon. Ramon J. Fernandez; Mr. Wenceslao Trinidad; Mr. Vicente Madrigal; Hon. Francisco Varona; and Mr. Ramon Soriano.
The National Economic Council shall forthwith organize and adopt the necessary rules and regulations for its proper functioning. In the study and consideration of all matters coming before it, the Council shall have authority to obtain any information and expert opinion from all available sources, and for this purpose it may appoint and constitute such committees as it may deem necessary and appoint thereto those persons, who, in its opinion, may be specially qualified, due consideration being given to the nature of the problem or problems submitted for study to said committees.
Until otherwise provided, the members of the National Economic Council shall hold office until December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven.
Done at the City of Manila, this fourteenth day of February, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the first.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary of the Interior