WHEREAS the Rice Commission created by virtue of Executive Order Numbered Eighteen, dated February seventeenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, has recommended the abrogation of section four of Executive Order Numbered Eight hundred seventy-two, dated September twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and thirty-five, as being no longer necessary;
WHEREAS the acute part of the nineteen hundred and thirty-five rice crisis has already passed and palay is now available in much more liberal quantities;
WHEREAS the further enforcement of the said section of the Executive Order disturbs the normal and orderly marketing of the new crop of palay and to a certain extent works hardship on rice millers and merchants affected by it;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers upon me conferred by law, do hereby amend said Executive Order Numbered Eight hundred seventy-two, so as to read as follows:
“In connection with the proclamation issued on September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and thirty-five, declaring the provisions of Act Numbered Two thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight to be in full force and effect, and in accordance with section one of the said Act, the following temporary rules and regulations with reference to the purchase, sale, and hoarding of palay and rice are hereby issued, with the consent of the Council of State, for the guidance of all concerned:
“(1) Within five days from the date of this order and on the first day of every month thereafter, or whenever otherwise required by the proper authorities, every person, firm, or corporation residing in the City of Manila having in his or its possession rice in excess of twenty sacks of fifty-seven kilos each, or its equivalent in palay, shall submit a written statement to the Director of Commerce, in which he must set forth:
“(a) The stock of palay or rice he has on hand or under his control;
“(b) The quantity he needs for a month for the support of himself and his family or other persons depending upon his support;
“(c) The source of his stock, whether produced by himself or obtained by purchase or otherwise;
“(d) The price or prices at which his stock was purchased; and
“(e) The quantity he sold during the previous month and the price or prices at which he sold the same.
“Persons, firms, or corporations located in provinces and having in their possession stocks of rice in excess of twenty sacks of fifty-seven kilos each, or its equivalent in play, shall submit their statements to the provincial treasurer or to any of his deputies in the municipalities wherein they respectively reside, or where their stock of palay or rice is located, within fifteen days after the date of this order and on the first day of every month thereafter, or whenever required to do so by the provincial treasurer or his deputies.
“(2) Ten days after the date of this order, the sale and distribution of palay or rice shall be conducted only by registered persons, firms, dealers, corporations, or partnerships properly licensed, as hereinafter provided, by the Director of Commerce, in Manila, and by the provincial treasurers or their deputies, in the provinces.
“(3) The Director of Commerce, or the provincial treasurers or their deputies, as the case may be, shall issue the necessary license to all dealers, firms, corporations, or partnerships dealing in play or rice, who have registered in their respective offices, or to any other person who may register himself as a dealer in these commodities, during the period of the enforcement of Act Numbered Two thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.
“(4) Provincial treasurers and their deputies are hereby directed to communicate with, and execute all instructions emanating from, the Director of Commerce, for the most effective and proper enforcement of the above regulations in their respective localities.”
Done at the City of Manila, this fifth day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the first.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary of the Interior