Upon the recommendation of the Provincial Board of the Mountain Province and pursuant to the provisions of Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code and Section 2630 of the same Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 1515, the barrios of Pudtol, Ngagan, Tawit, Guenned, Waga and Sipa, all of the Municipal District of Luna, sub-province of Apayao, Mountain Province, are hereby segregated from said municipal district and organized into an independent municipal district to be known as the Municipal District of Pudtol, with the seat of government at the barrio of Pudtol.
The boundary lines which shall separate the municipal district of Pudtol from its mother municipal district of Luna are a line beginning at the peak of Mt. Lumbago, Bayag-Luna Boundary, running due N 87° 30' E to intersect the Malunog River; thence along the said river in a northeasterly direction to its union with the Catamuyoan Dry Creek; and thence from that point of union, running due east until the Mountain Province-Cagayan Provincial Boundary. (Based upon the technical description of the sketch of the territory of the Municipal District of Luna submitted by the Highway District Engineer of the Mountain Province.)
The municipal district of Pudtol shall begin to exist upon the appointment and qualification of the mayor, vice mayor, and a majority of the councilors thereof.
Done in the City of Manila, this 3rd day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary