Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Nine hundred and ninety-seven, as amended by Republic Act Numbered One thousand two hundred and forty-one, and upon the recommendation of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, the following Implementing Details of Reorganization Plan No. 20-A which relate to Labor, are hereby promulgated to govern the organization, powers, duties and functions of the Department of Labor:
Section 1. The organization, functions and operations of the Department of Labor, hereinafter referred to as the “Department,” shall be in accordance with the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 20-A, hereinafter referred to as the “Plan,” and these Implementing Details.
Section 2. The organization of the Department, as graphically depicted in the following organization charts, shall consist of the Office of the Secretary, Advisory Councils and Board to the Secretary of Labor, Fiscal and Personnel Division, General Services Division, Legal Services Division, Labor Statistics Division, Office of Manpower Services, Bureau of Labor Standards with a Labor Standards Commission attached to it, Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation with a Workmen’s Compensation Commission attached to it, and Bureau of Labor Relations, all hereinafter referred to as the “headquarters entities” only for brevity, and eight Regional Offices with their corresponding provincial and local offices.
Section 3. The Secretary of Labor, hereinafter referred to as the “Secretary,” is authorized to make such changes in organization, definition of functions and distribution of work among entities in the Department as may be necessary to reflect changes in legislation, conditions, need or workloads: Provided, That no such changes may be made during fiscal year 1957 without specific approval of the President: And provided, further, That any such changes must be in conformity with the general pattern of organization set forth in the Plan and these Implementing Details.
[Figure I. Organization Chart – OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY]
[Figure II. Organization Chart – OFFICE MANPOWER SERVICES]
[Figure III. Organization Chart – BUREAU OF LABOR STANDARDS]
[Figure IV. Organization – REGIONAL OFFICE]
Functions of the Office of the Secretary
Section 4. The functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Secretary and the Undersecretary of Labor shall consist of those provided in pertinent provisions of the Revised Administrative Code and other existing laws, insofar as these are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details; and shall include those which the Plan and these Implementing Details further provide.
a. The Secretary shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) recommend to and advise the President on matters relating to the formulation and execution of Philippine labor policy;
(2) administer, coordinate and direct the Government’s labor activities and services;
(3) promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out labor policy objectives and the functions vested in him by law;
(4) delegate authority for the performance of any function or set of functions to officers and employees under his supervision and direction;
(5) direct the over-all operation of the Department; and
(6) assume over-all responsibility for the implementation of Philippine labor policy.
b. The Undersecretary shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) serve as deputy to the Secretary in all matters relating to labor functions and activities;
(2) administer the Department’s day-to-day activities, coordinate its programs and projects, and assume responsibility for the efficient and economical operation of the Department;
(3) advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation, determination and implementation of labor policies; and
(4) act as the Secretary in his absence or if the Office is vacant.
Section 5. There shall be in the Office of the Secretary a Technical and Management Staff and a Field Operations Staff, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Technical and Management Staff shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study and review for the Secretary and Undersecretary specified matters originating from the other entities of the Department;
(2) develop an extensive public relations program designed to secure and maintain widespread understanding and support for such policies, plans and programs on labor as may be formulated by the Department;
(3) study and analyze Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Organisation, and undertake research work on foreign labor legislation and related subjects for the purpose of determining their applicability to local conditions;
(4) advise and assist the Secretary and the heads of bureaus and offices in the Department on management practices and management improvement, and conduct a continuing analysis of the over-all administrative and organizational structure;
(5) conduct detailed and continuous study, planning and research for increased efficiency through effective management controls along improved organization and operational procedures, work simplification, report control, objective appraisal of accomplishments and related matters, recommend appropriate administrative actions in connection therewith and maintain liaison with and draw advice and assistance from entities concerned with organization and methods;
(6) plan, formulate, develop and conduct an over-all training program for Departmental personnel, maintain liaison with and draw advice and assistance from entities concerned with personnel training, arrange for training conferences and recommend qualified personnel to attend and participate in scholarships and similar training grants; and
(7) provide such other services and assistance as the Secretary or the Undersecretary may require.
b. The Field Operations Staff shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) exercise direct line authority over the Regional Offices;
(2) take such steps as may be necessary to insure that the program plans, policies, report requirements, work schedules and other related matters prescribed by appropriate headquarters entities are complied with by the Regional Offices;
(3) analyze and evaluate field operations reports and statistics, advise the Secretary on field developments and call such matters to the attention of appropriate headquarters entities as will require their action;
(4) maintain liaison contacts with headquarters entities on all matters affecting the operations of the Regional Offices; and
(5) perform other related duties such as the Secretary or the Undersecretary may direct.
Functions of the Fiscal and Personnel Division
Section 6. The Fiscal and Personnel Division shall be responsible for functions of the Department relating to financial and personnel management and the procurement of supplies and equipment. Under the immediate administrative supervision of the Assistant to the Secretary, this Division shall provide related services to headquarters entities and shall establish policy standards, rules and regulations for the guidance and compliance of Regional Offices to which shall be delegated similar activities.
Section 7. The Fiscal and Personnel Division shall have a Finance Section, a Cash Collection and Disbursement Section and a Personnel Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare, review and consolidate budget estimates of the entire Department, and prepare and submit justifications for the same to proper authorities;
(2) exercise control over the budgeted expenditures for the Department, and process all expense vouchers covering payments against authorized allotments for headquarters entities;
(3) process requisitions for equipment and supplies, make corresponding purchases and prepare vouchers covering their payment;
(4) prepare periodic reports as needed and required on the financial operation of the Department; and
(5) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
b. The Cash Collection and Disbursement Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) handle all cash collections and deposits, and payments of approved vouchers for headquarters entities;
(2) prepare payrolls and pay salaries and wages of officials and employees in the headquarters entities;
(3) prepare corresponding reports on cash collections, deposits and disbursements as required by accounting and auditing regulations; and
(4) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
c. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish and manage subject to civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, a personnel program which includes preparation of position descriptions and qualification standards for purposes of selective recruitment, appointment and promotion;
(2) act on matters concerning attendance, leaves of absence, appointments, promotions, transfers and efficiency records; and conduct investigations or review papers on administrative charges against employees of the Department as directed; and
(3) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
Functions of the General Services Division
Section 8. The General Services Division shall be responsible for functions of the Department relating to property management and office services which include maintenance of files and records, janitorial and messengerial services, security and general utility; and for the maintenance and operation of the Tenement House. Under the immediate administrative supervision of the Assistant to the Secretary, this Division shall provide related services to headquarters entities and shall establish policy standards, rules and regulations for the guidance and compliance of Regional Offices to which shall be delegated similar activities.
Section 9. The General Services Division shall have a Records Section, a Property Maintenance Section, and a Security and Utility Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive, record and distribute to appropriate entities all incoming correspondence;
(2) release all outgoing correspondence and keep as needed file copies thereof for ready reference and use;
(3) issue certified true copies of records upon request of interested parties;
(4) develop and maintain a filing and records system for all acts, memoranda, orders, circulars, correspondence and other documents affecting the Department;
(5) coordinate and provide messengerial services; and
(6) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
b. The Property Maintenance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) keep custody of all equipment and other property and supplies pertaining to headquarters entities, and manage the proper distribution and use of the same;
(2) supervise the maintenance and operation of the Tenement House;
(3) maintain a complete and up-to-date record of disposition of such equipment and other property and supplies, and render periodic inventory reports as required by accounting and auditing regulations;
(4) take charge of storage, maintenance, repair and disposal of such equipment and other property and supplies;
(5) maintain and operate a central service for transportation; and
(6) provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned.
c. The Security and Utility Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) provide security guarding services to headquarters entities which include the prevention of theft, fire, damage, accident, unlawful entry and similar hazards on buildings and other properties, and the routinary watching and guarding of the premises; and
(2) provide janitorial and general utility services which include cleaning the rooms, toilets and closets, buildings and surrounding areas, keeping office equipment and furniture clean and orderly, collecting and dumping or burning garbage, and doing simple carpentry repair work and related activities.
Functions of the Legal Services Division
Section 10. Under the immediate administrative supervision of the Assistant to the Secretary, the Legal Services Division shall handle in the courts the litigation of cases beyond the prescribed jurisdiction of the quasi-judicial Commissions in the Department, provide the Secretary with legal counsel and interpretation on specific problems, assist him in the preparation and analysis of legislative proposals, and perform other related legal work.
Section 11. The Legal Services Division shall have a Legal Consultation Section and a Legal Operation Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Legal Consultation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) provide legal consultation services to entities of the Department as needed and requested;
(2) prepare replies to queries from interested private parties and government agencies seeking the Department’s interpretation of specific provisions of the labor law and/or opinion on related problems;
(3) conduct research in connection with cases handled in the courts by the Division;
(4) prepare for the Secretary comments on proposed legislation referred to the Department by the President or the Congress; and
(5) study and analyze legislative proposals originating from entities in the Department, and coordinate with entities concerned in the preparation of bills for introduction to Congress.
b. The Legal Operation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) pending assumption of this function by the Department of Justice, handle in the courts for laborers without private counsels, cases appealed from, and/or those beyond the prescribed jurisdiction of, the Labor Standards Commission and the Workmen’s Compensation Commission;
(2) assist the Solicitor General in handling in the courts cases in which the Secretary or any other official or employee of the Department is involved in his official capacity; and
(3) assist provincial and city Fiscals in the prosecution cases affecting shares of laborers under the pertinent provisions of the Sugar Act of 1952.
Functions of the Labor Statistics Division
Section 12. Under the immediate supervision of the Assistant to the Secretary, and subject to the authority of the Office of Statistical Coordination and Standards of the National Economic Council to allocate statistical activities and to prescribe methodology and standards among statistical entities of the government, the Labor Statistics Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. formulate specifications and procedures for statistical reports of the different entities of the Department;
b. consolidate, tabulate and assist in the analysis of statistical summaries of operation to serve as basis for executive decision;
c. cooperate with other entities in developing a system of evaluating program effectiveness and efficiency of operating procedures;
d. plan and conduct research and special studies in the field of labor economics, and provide technical assistance to Wage Boards;
e. compile and publish factual data and information on labor;
f. develop and maintain a technical reference and library service for the Department;
g. provide policy guidance and consultative services to field personnel concerned; and
h. perform such statistical functions as may hereafter be transferred to the Department by law or competent authority.
Functions of the Office of Manpower Services
Section 13. The functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Office of Manpower Services, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Office,” shall be the same as those now provided by law for the National Employment Service. The Office shall have a Manpower Research Division, an Employment Service Division, an Overseas and Fee-charging Employment Agencies Unit, and a Manila Employment Office and other employment offices to be established at such places as may be provided by law.
Section 14. Subject to the authority of the Office of Statistical Coordination and Standards of the National Economic Council to allocate statistical activities and to prescribe methodology and standards among statistical entities of the government, the Manpower Research Division shall have the following functions, among others:
a. compile, tabulate, analyze and interpret, in collaboration with the Labor Statistics Division and other appropriate government entities, data on employment to determine the quality and quantity of the manpower reservoir, availability of workers in each occupation, anticipated entrants to various jobs and probable employment opportunities; and prepare an annual manpower report containing such information in accordance with law;
b. compile, tabulate, analyze and interpret, in collaboration with the Labor Statistics Division and other appropriate government entities, labor market data to determine employment trends in various industries, relation of labor supply to labor demand in such industries and the various economic factors affecting this relationship;
c. study the various factors that stimulate employment;
d. undertake special studies in related matters such as the Office may require and make available to interested public agencies the results of such studies; and
e. provide technical guidance and consultative services to other entities of the Office as needed and requested.
Section 15. The Employment Service Division shall operate as a staff entity to provide standards and procedures and to assist in the formulation and development of policies and objectives relating to the placement functions of the Office. This Division shall be responsible for providing encouragement and assistance to appropriate government agencies and civic organizations in the promotion of social and economic plans along progressive employment processes designed to stabilize the employment situation; and with data provided by the Manpower Research Division, it shall establish and develop a work force by specialization, by occupation and by industry. It shall also serve in a planning, advisory and consultative capacity to the Manila Employment Office and to such employment offices as may hereafter be established by law. The Division shall have a Plans and Procedures Section and an Employment Development and Stabilization Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Plans and Procedures Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) formulate, revise and amend manual of procedures, rules and regulations governing the operation of the Office and the entities under it;
(2) make continual evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization and operating procedures and recommend necessary measures for their improvement; and
(3) devise plans and procedures for the training of personnel and develop and prepare materials necessary for such training.
b. The Employment Development and Stabilization Section shall develop plans and procedures designed to facilitate occupational and industrial mobility with a view to adjusting labor supply to employment opportunities in the various occupations and industries, and geographic mobility with a view to assisting workers or settlers move to areas with suitable employment opportunities or with a view to meeting temporary maladjustments in labor demand and supply, and perform other related duties as directed.
Section 16. The Overseas and Fee-charging Employment Agencies Unit shall have the following functions, among others:
a. receive, investigate and approve applications for the operation of private (fee-charging) employment agencies under Act Numbered Thirty-nine hundred and fifty-seven, and for license to recruit Filipino workers for overseas employment under Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and eighty-six;
b. supervise and regulate the activities of private employment agencies, including the mode and character of placement, place of doing business and character of their officers, agents and recruiters; and whenever appropriate, upon complaint of interested parties or on its own initiative but always after due hearing and investigation, revoke any license or appointment issued to such agencies or persons or recruiters; and
c. supervise and regulate the hiring of workers for overseas employment, including the issuance of seamen’s certificates to Filipino crew members on board vessels registered in the Philippines; determine compliance of their terms of employment, such as wages, hours and other conditions, with existing Philippine laws; and whenever appropriate, upon complaint of interested parties or on its own initiative but always after due hearing and investigation, revoke any license or certificate issued to such recruiters or persons.
Section 17. The Manila Employment Office shall be responsible for placement functions and shall have an Applicant Services Section and an Employer Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Applicant Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) interview applicants for placements to secure employment qualifications and records, and assist them in completing self-application forms;
(2) provide applicants with information on current employment conditions and problems and acquaint them with their relationship to the Office, the functions of the Office and the services and facilities available to them;
(3) assist applicants on the problems of vocational adjustment to discover, analyze and evaluate their employment assets;
(4) furnish applicants with information on job requirements, employment opportunities, training and rehabilitation facilities and services offered by other agencies, referring them to such agencies if necessary; and
(5) administer occupational tests when so required, and cooporate as needed with the Employer Services Section in the selection and referral of counselled applicants to job openings.
b. The Employer Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish and maintain contacts with employers, informing them of the objectives, policies and functions of the Office and promoting their use of available services and facilities;
(2) obtain information on employers’ current needs and future hiring plans, and develop a continuing plan of service for each employer which will assist him in recruiting, selecting and training workers;
(3) keep and maintain records on employers’ requirements, job specifications and conditions of employment; and
(4) evaluate qualifications of applicants (referring them to the Applicant Services Section for further occupational tests if necessary) and select and refer to employers applicants whose qualifications meet with their requirements.
Functions of the Bureau of Labor Standards
Section 18. The Bureau of Labor Standards, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall operate primarily as a planning, policy-making, consultative and advisory entity in the administration and enforcement of laws relating to wages and hours in working establishments, health and safety of workers in labor centers, and employment of women and minors in industries and other work places, which activities are heretofore performed by the Wage Administration Service, Bureau of Labor and the Industrial Safety Engineering Division which are abolished. The Bureau shall be responsible for the promulgation of rules, regulations and standards, for formulating and initiating plans and programs, and for developing and defining operating procedures for the guidance and compliance of Regional Offices. The Bureau shall also provide such technical assistance as may be required in the review of cases appealed from Regional Offices to the Labor Standards Commission.
Section 19. Rules, regulations and standards on industrial safety as are now in force and those which may hereafter be promulgated in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred and four as amended, otherwise known as the Industrial Safety Law, shall be binding on chartered cities which shall have sole responsibility for industrial safety inspections within their respective jurisdictions.
Section 20. The Bureau shall have a Health and Safety Division, a Women and Minors Division, an Inspection Supervision Division and a Wage and Hour Division.
Section 21. The Health and Safety Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to the safety and health of workers in labor centers under the Industrial Safety Law; Republic Act Numbered Ten hundred and fifty-four, commonly known as the Free Emergency Medical and Dental Treatment Law; and the medical provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-nine. This Division shall have a Standards Section, a Safety Education and Organization Section and a Research and Publication Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Standards Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) draft rules and regulations and fix reasonable standards regarding the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of boilers, unfired pressure vessels, machinery, internal combustion engines, elevators, electrical equipment, wiring systems, and the construction, demolition, alteration and use of commercial and industrial establishments including factories, warehouses, stevedoring and other work places in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Safety Law.
(2) study and formulate rules and regulations implementing the Free Emergency Medical and Dental Treatment Law and the medical provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-nine;
(3) prescribe uniform safety measures, safety devices or safeguards, and standard personal protective equipment for minimizing health and safety hazards in all types of industries; and
(4) devise forms, standards and procedures for registration of employers’ establishments under the Industrial Safety Law and for the issuance of required permit certificates.
b. The Safety Education and Organization Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) create safety consciousness among employers and workers and the general public by means of direct and indirect safety lectures, safety posters, reminders and safety contests, the yearly celebration of Safety and Accident Prevention Week, periodic radio broadcasts and other promotional safety activities;
(2) hold periodic meetings with labor and management, Advisory Safety Council and the public for the purpose of recommending effective safety education campaign and of drafting rules and regulations for promulgation by the Secretary, and study and prepare recommendations necessary for the enactment of laws and/or orders relating to health and safety of workers and the general public; and
(3) devise effective ways and means of organizing safety committees in all industrial establishments, and plan and suggest programs of activities for such committees.
c. The Research and Publication Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study and determine, in collaboration with the Department of Health, harmful effects upon workers of dusts, fumes and other obnoxious odors in certain industries; and bad position habits, inadequate lighting and inadequate ventilation, with a view to recommending to industry necessary steps to prevent development of related occupational health hazards;
(2) require employers’ establishments to submit complete reports of lost-time accidents for analysis, and operate and maintain a safety laboratory and museum; and
(3) publish safety bulletins and prepare other related informative material for distribution to labor and management and the public, and provide and maintain a library service for the Division.
Section 22. The Women and Minors Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to the administration and enforcement of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-nine, otherwise known as the Woman and Child Labor Law. This Division shall have a Women Section and a Minors Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Women Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study and formulate measures regulating the employment of women as provided by law;
(2) plan and promote programs designed to educate women workers of their rights and responsibilities;
(3) study, formulate and initiate activities to promote the general welfare of women workers; and
(4) plan and promote programs designed to create understanding among employers of their responsibility for the well-being of their women workers.
b. The Minors Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study and formulate measures regulating the employment of children as provided by law;
(2) plan and promote programs designed to educate children workers of their rights and responsibilities;
(3) study, formulate and initiate activities to promote the general welfare of children workers; and
(4) plan and promote programs designed to create understanding among employers of their responsibility for the well-being of their children workers.
Section 23. The Inspection Supervision Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to planning, programming and functional supervision of all inspection activities on labor standards and other working conditions. This Division shall have a Technical Inspection Supervision Section and a General Inspection Supervision Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Technical Inspection Supervision Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan and prepare a uniform program of inspection relating to the operation of boilers, pressure vessles, machinery, internal combustion engines, elevators, electrical equipment, wiring installations, and the construction, demolition, alteration and use of commercial and industrial buildings including shops, factories and other work places;
(2) develop methods and procedures, set policy standards and devise forms for the above inspection activities;
(3) evaluate and analyze field inspection reports and call all matters requiring action to the attention of the other divisions of the Bureau; and
(4) provide manuals and plan programs for the training of field personnel concerned.
b. The General Inspection Supervision Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan and prepare a uniform program of inspection relating to the enforcement of the Woman and Child Labor Law, the Free Emergency Medical and Dental Treatment Law, the medical provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-nine, and the law on wages and hours;
(2) develop methods and procedures, set policy standards and devise forms for the above inspection activities;
(3) evaluate and analyze filed inspection reports and call all matters requiring action to the attention of the other divisions of the Bureau; and
(4) provide manuals and plan programs for the training of field personnel concerned.
Section 24. The Wage and Hour Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to the administration and enforcement of the law on wages and hours, such as the Eight-Hour Labor Law, Minimum Wage Law, Blue Sunday Law and the Sugar Act of 1952. This Division shall have a Wage Rules and Regulations Section, an Evaluation and Certification Section and an Agricultural Wage Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Wage Rules and Regulations Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare rules and regulations and interpretative bulletins to implement the law on wages and hours, and prepare legal opinions and answers to queries;
(2) provide technical assistance to the Labor Standards Commission in the review of appealed cases;
(3) appraise complicated cases upon request of Regional Offices;
(4) coordinate and provide technical services needed in the operation of Wage Boards; and
(5) analyze prevailing wage rates and related date and, in cooperation with the Labor Statistics Division, evaluate occupational factors relevant to the establishment of minimum wages in particular industries.
b. The Evaluation and Certification Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) set standards and procedures, devise forms, prescribe rules and regulations and provide policy guidance and consultative services relating to evaluation of facilities given by employers to their employees and laborers to determine over-all wages, granting of permits to employers for deduction of certain amounts from laborers’ wages, certification of learners, apprentices and handicapped workers, and evaluation of related applications for payment of sub-minimum wages;
(2) conduct research, and study and analyze such data and information as may be necessary in carrying out the above responsibilities; and
(3) pending decentralization of related operating functions to Regional Offices, which shall be determined by the Secretary:
(a) investigate and process applications for apprentices’ and learners’ certificates and other permits for the employment of workers at sub-minimum wages;
(b) investigate and determine fair and reasonable value of board, lodging and other facilities customarily furnished by employers to their employees and laborers; and
(c) investigate conditions of home work and similar jobs paid on piece, task or commission basis to determine compliance with the Minimum Wage Law.
c. The Agricultural Wage Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) set standards and procedures, devise forms, prescribe rules and regulations and provide policy guidance and consultative services relating to the enforcement of the Sugar Act of 1952;
(2) conduct research, and study and analyze such data and information as may be useful in carrying out the above responsibilities; and
(3) pending decentralization of related operating functions to Regional Offices, which shall be determined by the Secretary:
(a) investigate and determine the share and such other benefits corresponding to workers in sugarcane plantations as provided by law, and
(b) supervise the distribution of such share and other benefits to the workers concerned.
Section 25. In the event of decentralization of the operating functions mentioned in Sub-sections b(3) and c(3) of Section 24 above, personnel involved shall be reassigned to the regions under the administrative supervision of Regional Administrators concerned; applicable appropriations, property, equipment and records shall be reallocated accordingly.
Functions of the Labor Standards Commission
Section 26. The functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Labor Standards Commission shall consist of those provided in Sections 18 through 20 of the Plan.
Functions of the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation
Section 27. The Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall operate primarily as a planning, policy-making, consultative and advisory entity in the administration and enforcement of the Workmen’s Compensation Act as it relates to the registration of covered employers’ establishments; collection of requisite fees, contributions and other assessments as provided by law; evaluation of compensable disabilities; and the settlement of non-controverted claims, all of which activities are heretofore performed by the present Workmen’s Compensation Commission which is abolished. The Bureau shall be responsible for the promulgation of rules, regulations and standards; for formulating and initiating plans and programs; and for developing and defining operating procedures for the guidance and compliance of Regional Offices. The Bureau shall also provide such technical assistance as may be required in the review of cases appealed from Regional Offices to the newly created Workmen’s Compensation Commission.
Section 28. The Bureau shall have a Finance and Registration Division, an Evaluation Division and a Claims Settlement Division.
Section 29. The Finance and Registration Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to the registration of covered employers’ establishments and the collection of requisite fees, contributions and other assessments as provided by law. This Division shall have a Registration Section and a Finance Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Registration Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) devise forms and set standards and procedures for the registration of covered employers’ establishments and the collection of requisite fees, and keep central records of such registrations; and
(2) prepare and maintain a master list of all registered employers’ establishments classified as to capital, hazardous and less hazardous, nature of business and incidence of accidents.
b. The Finance Section shall the have the following functions, among others:
(1) set procedures and devise forms for the collection of yearly contributions to the Workmen’s Compensation Fund from insurance carriers and uninsured employers at rates prescribed by law;
(2) determine amount of deficiency in the Workmen’s Compensation Fund and, should there be any, make proportionate assessments upon both insurance carriers and uninsured employers; and
(3) determine amount of deposit which the national, provincial and municipal governments, as well as government corporations, should make to guarantee payment of compensation liabilities on the basis of premiums they have to pay if their employees were insured.
Section 30. The Evaluation Division shall set procedures, standards and policies with respect to the evaluation and rating of compensable disabilities; appraise complicated disability rating cases upon request of Regional Administrators or upon appeal of decisions of Regional Offices to the Workmen’s Compensation Commission; and provide medical services to personnel of the Department.
Section 31. The Claims Settlement Division shall set standards, procedures and policies relating to the processing and examination of claims, adjudication of non-controverted cases and the computation of compensation payment on the basis of established disability ratings; and shall appraise complicated cases upon request of Regional Administrators or upon appeal of decisions of Regional Offices to the Workmen’s Compensation Commission.
Functions of the Workmen’s Compensation Commission
Section 32. The functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Workmen’s Compensation Commission shall consist of those quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions, powers, duties and responsibilities now vested by law (Act No. 3428, as amended by Republic Act No. 772) in the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Workmen’s Compensation, as further amended by Section 12 of the Plan: Provided, That any provision of law or rules of court to the contrary notwithstanding, all cases falling under the Workmen’s Compensation Law shall be filed and heard in the Regional Office where the respondent or any of the respondents resides or may be found, or where the claimant or any of the claimants resides, at the election of the claimant.
Functions of the Bureau of Labor Relations
Section 33. The Bureau of Labor Relations, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall serve in a planning, policy-making, consultative and advisory capacity in the promotion and maintenance of industrial peace as envisioned under Republic Act Numbered Eight hundred and seventy-five, otherwise known as the Magna Charta of Labor. The Bureau shall be responsible for the formulating and initiating plans and programs, and for developing and defining operating standards and procedures relating to the conciliation of labor disputes and the supervision of labor union activities, for the guidance and compliance of Regional Offices. Bureau personnel may participate in the conciliation of major disputes or assist in Regional Offices having temporarily heavy conciliation work load. The Bureau shall have final authority over all matters relating to the registration of labor unions, including the denial of registration and cancellation of permits. The Bureau shall provide such services and assistance as the Labor Management Advisory Council may require, and initiate and arrange for periodic conferences on a local, regional or national level for the consideration of such matters as will promote improved labor-management relations. The Bureau shall have a Conciliation Division and a Labor Organization Division.
Section 34. The Conciliation Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to the conciliation of disputes; and shall have a Mediation and Conciliation Section and a Research, Statistics and Accounts Examination Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Mediation and Conciliation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) set policy standards, formulate administrative procedures and provide consultative services relating to the mediation and conciliation of labor disputes; and
(2) participate in the actual conciliation of disputes arising in the regions as directed, and assist the parties in obtaining governmental facilities for voluntary arbitration.
b. The Research, Statistics and Accounts Examination Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research and render opinion on legal points that may arise or be raised in conciliation proceedings;
(2) conduct research and provide legal consultative services in the interpretation, implementation and operation of the Magna Charta of Labor;
(3) compile collective bargaining agreements, orders, awards and decisions on industrial disputes, and other data for information and guidance of interested parties, particularly employers and labor unions;
(4) provide such services and assistance as the Labor Management Advisory Council may require in the performance of its functions;
(5) assist in drafting collective bargaining agreements and participate in conciliation proceedings as directed;
(6) provide instructions and procedures for the examination of financial accounts of employers’ establishments involved in disputes and the analysis of reports thereon, and actually perform these examination and analysis if necessary; and
(7) coordinate with the Labor Statistics Division in the compilation and evaluation of needed data and information on labor-management relations.
Section 35. The Labor Organization Division shall handle functions of the Bureau relating to the registration of labor unions, supervision of labor union activities and labor education. This Division shall have a Hearing and Certification Section and a Registration and Labor Education Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Hearing and Certification Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) determine compliance by labor unions with requirements to maintain themselves in good standing as prescribed by law, and prepare corresponding actions such as setting hearings and issuing notices to parties;
(2) set policy standards and prepare rules, regulations and instructions relative to the conduct of hearings on denial of registration and cancellation of permits, and the conduct of certification elections, also providing required election forms and other materials;
(3) prepare decisions and/or orders relative to hearings conducted by designated field personnel;
(4) certify to the Court of Industrial Relations the results of certification elections conducted pursuant to the order of said Court;
(5) keep and maintain registry and entry books of notices issued, proceedings conducted, decisions and/or orders rendered, lists of establishments where certification elections had been conducted, units certified to the Court of Industrial Relations, votes involved, and other related data; and
(6) observe election of union officers upon request of unions concerned and upon direction of superior officers in the Department.
b. The Registration and Labor Education Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive and process documents and data on applicant labor organizations, prepare and issue corresponding registration certificates, and keep and maintain a registry of labor organizations;
(2) prepare maps, charts and graphs showing the monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual registration of labor organizations;
(3) arrange the holding of labor and management seminars in cooperation with appropriate public and private agencies;
(4) gather and compile data and information and prepare materials relating to labor education;
(5) maintain liaison contacts with appropriate public and private agencies regarding labor information matters;
(6) compile and consolidate materials, data and information on labor education secured from governmental and other entities; and
(7) provide such information as may be of interest to labor organizations.
Functions of the Regional Offices
Section 36. The functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of each Regional Office shall include the following, among others:
a. administer, direct and coordinate all labor services and activities in the region subject to direct authority from the Office of the Secretary through the Director of Field Operations;
b. execute and implement policy standards, rules, regulations and work plans laid down by appropriate headquarters entities relative to the administration and enforcement of labor laws; and
c. render administrative decisions on all labor cases within the limits of delegated authority: Provided, That the original and exclusive jurisdiction over workmen’s compensation cases conferred upon Regional Offices by Section 25 of the Plan shall not bar a workman’s recourse to a court of competent jurisdiction: And provided, further, That a workman cannot prosecute his claim both in the Regional Office and in the court.
Section 37. Unless otherwise provided by law or competent authority, the Department shall have eight Regional Offices, the respective jurisdictions, boundaries and headquarters offices of which shall be in conformance with Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details.
Section 38. Each Regional Office shall have an Administrative Section, a Legal Advisor, an Inspection Section and a Labor Operations Section, except that the Regional Office with headquarters in Manila shall have in addition a Hearing Section separate from the Labor Operations Section.
Section 39. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules and regulations established by appropriate headquarters entities, and under the administrative supervision, direction and control of the Regional Administrator, the Administrative Section shall have the following functions, among others:
a. prepare budget proposals for review and consolidation into the Departmental budget;
b. keep control over budgeted expenditures and account for the same;
c. collect and disburse funds including the payment of salaries and wages of regional personnel;
d. maintain equipment and other property;
e. maintain and operate a central service for transportation;
f. process requisitions for equipment and supplies and make corresponding purchases;
g. handle personnel matters; and
h. provide messengerial and general utility services.
Section 40. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules and regulations established by appropriate headquarters entities, and under the administrative supervison, direction and control of the Regional Administrator, the Legal Advisor and his staff shall have the following functions, among others:
a. provide general legal staff assistance to the Regional Administrator, and provide legal counsel and interpretation to regional personnel;
b. review for the Regional Administrator all regional administrative settlements of labor cases;
c. participate in all enforcement litigations brought to the courts; and
d. prepare briefs, memoranda or decisions with respect to such cases.
Section 41. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules and regulations established by appropriate headquarters entities, and under the administrative supervision, direction and control of the Regional Administrator, the Inspection Section shall have the following functions, among others:
a. make periodic inspections of every industrial, commercial and agricultural establishment to check on compliance with labor standards and other working conditions;
b. make informal administrative settlements of violations within prescribed policy standards;
c. inspect boilers, pressure vessels, mechanical and electrical installations, and work places for safety purposes;
d. report all instances of violation and non-compliance in prescribed form, and call all matters requiring action to the attention of the other sections of the Office;
e. collect such labor statistics as may be required by the central office; and
f. register employers’ establishments under the Workmen’s Compensation Law and the Industrial Safety Law.
Section 42. Subject to policy instructions, standards, rules and regulations established by appropriate headquarters entities, and under the administrative supervision, direction and control of the Regional Administrator, the Labor Operations Section shall have the following functions, among others:
a. conduct investigation and informal settlement of workmen’s compensation and labor standards claims;
b. mediate in and conciliate labor disputes;
c. supervise labor union activities including the holding of certification elections; and
d. hear and adjudicate workmen’s compensation and labor standards claims.
Provincial and Local Offices
Section 43. As and when operations justify, and within the limits of authorized appropriations, the Secretary may establish provincial and local offices under the direct authority of Regional Offices. Provincial and local offices so established shall perform such functions and duties and discharge such responsibilities as may be delegated, subject to the immediate technical and administrative supervision of appropriate sections in the Regional Offices concerned.
Section 44. Pending establishment of such provincial and local offices, there shall be stationed in each province at least one labor attorney and/or one labor inspector, with their corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The labor attorney shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) make initial administrative adjustments in both labor standards and workmen’s compensation cases;
(2) serve as mediator in disputes, and assist in conciliation proceedings;
(3) assist in the presentation of cases of labor law violations to the courts; and
(4) supervise labor union activities including the holding of certification elections.
b. The labor inspector shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) make periodic inspections of every industrial, commercial and agricultural establishment to check on compliance with labor standards and other working conditions;
(2) make informal administrative settlements of violations within policy standards and instructions applying to the particular situation;
(3) report all instances of violations and non-compliance in prescribed form, such reports to serve as the bases for consideration of proper cases before a hearing officer in the Regional Office or for presentation of cases to the courts by the labor attorneys;
(4) collect such labor statistics as may be required by the central office; and
(5) assist in the registration of employers’ establishments under the Workmen’s Compensation Law and the Industrial Safety Law.
Transitory Provision on Legal Aid Function
Section 45. Pending assumption of the legal aid function by the Department of Justice as discussed in Section 26 of the Plan, legal personnel of the Department shall perform the following functions, among others:
a. bring suit in courts gratuitously for indigent persons, particularly laborers, servants and their immediate families, involving claims for support by abandoned wives and/or children, recovery of property, ejectment and other related cases;
b. defend gratuitously indigent accused persons in criminal cases when, after due investigation, the interest of justice will be served thereby; and
c. upon proper notification by the party concerned, represent tenants in all agricultural tenancy cases wherein a tenant cannot afford to be represented by counsel.
Section 46. From the total appropriations authorized for the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, consisting of the following:
a. Under Republic Act Numbered 1600
(1) | Office of the Secretary | ||
General Fund | P441,600.00 | ||
Special Fund | 8,360.00 | P 449,960.00 | |
(2) | Bureau of Labor | ||
General Fund | 437,410.00 | ||
(3) | National Employment Service | ||
General Fund | 107,200.00 | ||
(4) | Wage Administration Service | ||
General Fund | 431,680.00 | ||
(5) | Workmen’s Compensation Commission | ||
Special Fund | 405,333.00 | ||
(6) | Industrial Safety Engineering Division | ||
Special Fund | 482,830.00 P2,314,413.00 =========== |
the following sums, subject to adjustment by the Commissioner of the Budget based on the unexpended balance of the appropriations available as of the effective date of these Implementing Details, are reallocated for the operation of the Department during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, except where otherwise provided:
A. Funds Transferred Out
The following sums are transferred from the Department:
a. | To the Department of Health: salaries of the positions transferred pursuant to Section 17(a) of the Plan | P13,200.00 | |
(1) General Fund | P13,200.00 =========== | ||
b. | For implementation of Plan No. 2-A | P 8,100.00 | |
(1) General Fund | P 1,960.00 | ||
(2) Workmen’s Compensation Fund (Special Fund) | 1,260.00 | ||
(3) Safety Inspection Fund (Special Fund) | 4,880.00 _____________ | ||
Total | P 8,100.00 =========== | ||
Total Funds transferred out | P21,300.00 =========== |
B. Current Operating Expenditures
(1) Office of the Secretary
For general administration of the Department and staff services including legal services, research and statistics, and expenses for representation to the International Labour Organisation and other international conferences as may be authorized | P 365,271.00 | |
(1) Legal Services | P 37,440.00 | |
(2) Research and Statistics | 42,160.00 | |
(3) International Labor Representation | 33,000.00 | |
(4) General Administration | 252,671.00 | |
Total | P 365,271.00 =========== | |
For field services including compliance and enforcement activities, services for workers, and general administration of Regional Offices: Provided, That any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, labor inspector shall be distributed in the different provinces: Provided,Further, That there shall be at least one labor inspector in each province: And Provided,Finally, That the appropriation under this item shall not be released until the requirement of the last preceding proviso is complied with | P1,115,600.00 | |
(1) Compliance and Enforcement Activities | P 487,289.00 | |
(2) Services for Workers | 445,731.00 | |
(3) General Administration | 182,580.00 _____________ | |
Total | P1,115,600.00 =========== | |
For manpower services including employment and supervisory services, and general administration of the Office of Manpower Services: Provided, That P7,200 shall be available for the unpaid salary of the Deputy Commissioner from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956 | 178,882.00 | |
(1) Employment and Supervisory Services | P 104,082.00 | |
(2) General Administration | 74,800.00 | |
Total | P 178,882.00 | |
Total for current operating expenditures of the Office of the Secretary | P1,659,753.00 =========== | |
(2) Bureau of Labor Standards | ||
For administration and enforcement of laws on labor standards including policy guidance and consultative services, compliance and enforcement activities, and general administration and the expenses of the Labor Standards Commission: Provided, That each member of the Wage Boards shall be paid for not more than 30 meetings actually attended during the year: Provided,Further, That only members of Safety Advisory Council who are not government employees shall receive per diems of P20 each for every meeting actually attended four times a month: Provided,Furthermore, That the amount of P24,900 from the Safety Inspection Fund shall be available as contribution of the Government for employees’ life and retirement insurance premiums in the Government Service Insurance System: And Provided,Finally, That the amounts of P8,450 and P5,100 from the Safety Safety Inspection Fund shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission and the General Auditing Office for accounting and auditing services, respectively | P 293,410.00 | |
(1) Policy Guidance and Consultative Services | P 146,700.00 | |
(2) Compliance and Enforcement Activities | 50,220.00 | |
(3) General Administration | 96,490.00 ____________ | |
Total | P 293,410.00 =========== | |
Total for current operating expenditures of the Bureau of Labor Standards | P 293,410.00 =========== | |
(3) Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation | ||
For administration and enforcement of laws on workmen’s compensation including policy guidance and consultative services, and general administration and the expenses of the Workmen’s Compensation Commission: Provided, That the amount of P960 shall be available for the payment of per diems to the four members of the Workmen’s Compensation Advisory Committee who are not government employees at P10 each for every meeting actually attended not to exceed 24 meetings a year: Provided,Further, That the amount of P15.600 shall be available for the payment of the Commissioner’s withheld salary during the period of his suspension from 1938 to 1940: And Provided,Finally, That the amount of P25,430 shall be available as contribution of the Government for employees life and retirement insurance premiums in the Government Service Insurance System | P 218,250.00 | |
(1) Policy Guidance and Consultative Services | P 88,920.00 | |
(2) General Administration | 129,330.00 | |
Total | P 218,250.00 =========== | |
Total for current operating expenditures of the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation | P 218,250.00 =========== | |
(4) Bureau of Labor Relations | ||
For promotion and maintenance of industrial peace including policy guidance and consultative and supervisory services relating to the conciliation of industrial disputes and the supervision of labor unions: Provided, That the amount of P500 shall be available for the payment of per diems to the Chairman and members of the Labor-Management Advisory Council who are not government employees at rates not exceeding P5 each for every meeting actually attended: And Provided,Further, That the amount of P15,000 shall be available for expenses for the labor-management congress | P 121,700.00 | |
(1) Policy Guidance and Consultative and Supervisory Services | P 121,700.00 =========== | |
Total for current operating expenditures of the Bureau of Labor Relations | P 121,700.00 =========== | |
Summary | ||
Total for the Office of the Secretary | P1,659,753.00 | |
Total for the Bureau of Labor Standards | 293,410.00 | |
Total for the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation | 218,250.00 | |
Total for the Bureau of Labor Relations | 121,700.00 | |
Total for current operating expenditures of the Department | P2,293,113.00 =========== | |
C. Special Provisions | ||
(1) The total current operating expenditures of P2,293,113.00 authorized for the Department in these Implementing Details shall be paid out of the following funds: | ||
a. General Fund | P1,402,730.00 | |
b. Tenement House Revolving Fund (Special Fund) | 8,360.00 | |
c. Workmen’s Compensation Fund (Special Fund) | 404,073.00 | |
d. Safety Inspection Fund (Special Fund) | 477,950.00 | |
Total | P2,293,113.00 =========== |
(2) Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any receipt accruing to the Safety Inspection Fund which is in excess of the amount herein appropriated to be paid out of said Fund nay be available for expenditure upon approval by the President.
D. General Provisions
The “General Provisions” of Republic Act Numbered Sixteen hundred, to which reference is hereby made, shall remain in full force and effect and is made a part of this Section on “Reallocation of Appropriations,” except that Section 16 thereof, “Officials entitled to transportation allowance,” is modified to include therein the Director of Labor Standards as ex-officio Labor Standards Commission Chairman and the Director of Workmen’s Compensation as ex-officio Workmen’s Compensation Commission Chairman, as among those granted a commutable transportation allowance of two hundred pesos each per month, and the two Associate Labor Standards Commissioners, the two Associate Workmen’s Compensation Commissioners and the Director of Labor Relations, one hundred pesos each per month; and to exclude therefrom the Director of Labor, the Chief, Wage Administration Service and the Commissioner, Workmen’s Compensation Commission, whose positions are abolished. Section 17 thereof, “Bureaus and offices entitled to use, operate and maintain government motor vehicles and launches,” is also modified to exclude items 36 and 40, the entities involved having been abolished, and to have item 39 read: “The Department of Labor for the use of field personnel in the enforcement of labor laws throughout the Philippines, and for the use of its headquarters entities in making field inspections, special investigations and economic surveys necessary for the administration of labor laws.”