WHEREAS Public Act Numbered Three hundred of the Congress of the United States, approved August seventh, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, amending Public Act Numbered One hundred twenty-seven of the Congress of the United States, approved March twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty-four, provides for the continuance of the quota of six million pounds of cordage established for the Philippines by Public Act Numbered One hundred thirty-seven of the Congress of the United States, approved June fourteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-five, after the expiration of the last-named Act on May first, nineteen hundred and forty-one, and for the allocation of such quota, effective January first, nineteen hundred and forty, “by authorities of the Philippine Government among the manufacturers of such commodities proportionately upon the basis of the shipment of each such manufacturer to the United States during the twelve months immediately preceding the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines;”
WHEREAS the foregoing amendments make necessary the allocation of the Philippine cordage quota established in said Public Act Numbered One hundred thirty-seven for the eight-month period May first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, through December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, only;
WHEREAS, according to the monthly reports of the Collector of Customs, Philippine cordage producers and manufacturers, during the twelve-month period beginning May first, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, did not make any shipment to the United States in excess of the amount allotted to them by Executive Order Numbered One hundred fifty, dated April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, corresponding to the aforementioned period;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me by said Public Act Numbered One hundred thirty-seven of the Congress of the United States, approved June fourteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-five, it is hereby ordered that:
1. The effective quota of four million pounds of Philippine cordage which may enter the United States during the eight-month period May first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, through December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, shall be allocated among the producers and manufacturers thereof in the following manner:
............................. | pounds | |
Elizalde Rope Factory | ............................. | 2,536,836 |
Johnson-Pickett Rope Co. | ............................. | 1,386,994 |
Manila Cordage Co. | ............................. | 57,425 |
General Manufacturing Co. | ............................. | 18,746 |
Total | ............................. | 4,000,000 |
2. Shipments made prior to May first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, may be credited against the nineteen hundred and thirty-nine quota provided they arrived in any part of continental United States on or after May first, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Done at the City of Manila, this thirty-first day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the fourth.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary to the President