Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, and pursuant to the provisions of section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code, there is hereby created, in the Province of Samar, a municipality to be known as the municipality of Marabut, which shall consist of the southeastern portion of the municipality of Basey, Samar, more particularly described and bounded as follows:
On the northwest, by the Cabugao River from its mouth on San Pedro Bay immediately north of the sitio of Cabugao, upstream to its source, and a straight imaginary line running from the source of said river, northeasterly to the point of intersection of the east boundary of Basey and southern boundary of Borongan, in the neighborhood of the Sohoton Cave Waterfalls and Bihid River; on the northeast, by the present Basey-Llorente boundary; on the southeast, by the present Basey-Balangiga boundary; and on the south and southwest, by the limits of the municipal waters which this municipality shall have pursuant to the provisions of section 2321 of the Revised Administrative Code. (Description based on data shown in 1939 Census Atlas of the Philippines, Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey Map of Samar of 1940, scale 1:200,000, and supplemented by rough sketch map submitted by the petitioner.)
The municipality of Marabut contains the following barrios: Santo Niño, which shall be the seat of the municipal government, Pinamitinan, Osmeña and Legaspi, and the sitios of Malobago, Amanbucali, Hilaba, Pag-ubogon, Cabalagnan, Pinanaan, Odoc, Binocyahan, Canyoyo, Kina-matayan, Tinabanan, Calouayan, Opong, Cancalao. Cabugao and Iraya.
The municipality of Basey shall have its present territory, minus the portion thereof included in the municipality of Marabut.
The municipality of Marabut shall begin to exist upon the appointment and qualification of the mayor, vice-mayor and a majority of the councilors thereof.
Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the fourth.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary