Whereas it is desirable in the interest of good administration and efficient service that there should be a uniform procedure governing the appointment and separation of secret agents or detectives and persons holding positions primarily confidential in nature in the various branches or agencies of the Government;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby promulgate the following regulations:
(1) Hereafter no appointment to the position of secret agent or detective under the provisions of Section 671(j) of the Administrative Code, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 177, or to any position in the provincial and city government which may be declared by the President as primarily confidential in nature under the provisions of section 671(l) of the same Code, shall be made by the governor or city mayor, as the case may be, without the approval of the Secretary of the Interior.
(2) Appointments to positions in the National Government similar in nature to those in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted by the Department Head concerned to the President for approval.
(3) Where the appointing officer deems it necessary to terminate the services of a person appointed under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof for lack of trust or confidence, and the person to be separated has qualified in a civil service examination, advice of such separation shall state clearly the reasons therefor.
(4) When a person appointed under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof is to be disciplined or separated for any of the causes enumerated in section 695 of the Administrative Code, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 177, action shall be taken by the Commissioner of Civil Service under the powers granted him by said section 695 of the Administrative Code and Executive order No. 39 dated June 23, 1936, in accordance with the procedure prescribed by civil service rules and regulations.
Done at the City of Manila, this first day of April, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the fifth.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary to the President