Pursuant to the authority conferred upon me by Republic Act No. 422,I, ELPIDIO QUIRINO, President of the Philippines, do hereby order:
Section 1. There is hereby created a Department of Economic Coordination which shall have supervision over the following Government-owned or controlled corporations and agencies:
1. The National Development Company and its subsidiaries:
(a) The Insular Sugar Eefining Corporation
(b) The National Food Products Corporation
(c) The Cebu Portland Cement Company
(d) The Rice and Corn Production Administration
2. The Manila Railroad Company and its subsidiary:
(a) The Manila Hotel Company
3. The National Rice and Corn Corporation
4. The People’s Homesite and Housing Corporation
5. The National Cooperatives and Small Business Corporation
6. The Metropolitan Water District
7. The National Land Settlement Administration
8. The National Power Corporation
9. The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
10. The National Coconut Corporation
11. The Philippine Relief and Trade Rehabilitation Administration
12. The Government Service Insurance System
13. The National Airports Corporation
14. The Shipping Administration
15. The National Abaca and Other Fibers Corporation
16. The Rural Progress. Administration
17. The National Tobacco Corporation
Section 2. The Department of Economic Coordination shall be under the direct control of the Secretary of Economic Coordination, exercising his functions subject to the general supervision and control of the President of the Philippines.
Section 3. The corporations, offices, agencies and instrumentalities herein placed under the supervision of the Department of Economic Coordination or such other entities as may hereafter or created therefrom pursuant to Republic Act No. 422 shall continue to operate in accordance with their respective charters until otherwise directed by the President in conformity with the provisions of said Act. The Secretary of the Department shall direct and coordinate the activities of such entities for the purpose of insuring efficiency and economy in their operations and the accomplishment of the objects for which said entities were created.
Section 4. The Secretary of Economic Coordination shall recommend to the President from time to time changes in the boards of directors or managing heads of stock and non-stock corporations or instrumentalities owned or controlled by the Government, and, subject to the approval of the President, vote the stocks owned by the Government in said corporations.
Section 5. The amounts necessary for the salaries of personnel, equipment and supplies and other sundry expenses of the Department of Economic Coordination shall be contributed by the different corporations and agencies under its jurisdiction in such proportions as may be determined by the Secretary of Economic Coordination with the approval of the President: Provided, however, That the appropriations for this purpose shall be included in the general appropriation acts of the National Government.
Section 6. The officers and employees of the Department of Economic Coordination and of the different corporations and agencies under it that may hereafter be employed shall be subject, in all respects, to the application of the Civil Service rules and regulations, as in the case of the other officers and employees of the Government.
Section 7. All laws, executive orders, administrative orders or proclamations or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. The Government Enterprises Council created under Executive Order No. 93, dated October 4, 1947, and the Office of the Economic Administrator created under Executive Order No. 300, dated January 7, 1950, are hereby abolished, and all references in any law, executive order, administrative order or proclamation to the Government Enterprises Council and the Economic Administrator shall be deemed references to the Department of Economic Coordination and to the Department Head thereof, respectively.
Section 8. This Order shall take effect upon its promulgation.
Done in the City of Baguio, this 25th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the fourth.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary