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EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 392, December 31, 1950


Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Four hundred and twenty-two, I, ELPIDIO QUIRINO, President of the Philippines do hereby order:

Section 1. Section seventy-four of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 74. Departmental Organization.—All executive functions of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall be directly under the Executive Department, subject to the supervision and control of the President of the Philippines in matters of general policy. The Departments are established for the proper distribution of the work of the Executive, for the performance of the functions expressly assigned to them by law, and in order that each branch of the administration may have a chief responsible for its direction and policy. Each Department Secretary shall assume the burden of, and responsibility for, all activities of the Government under his control and supervision.“For administrative purposes, the President of the Philippines shall be considered the Department Head of the Executive Office, the Local Governments, the Budget Commission, the Bureau of Civil Service, the Civil Service Board of Appeals, the National Economic Council, the National Security Council, the Philippines Heraldry Committee, the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, the Import Control Administration, the Philippine Information Council, the National Planning Commission, the Social Welfare Administration, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, the Civilian Emergency Administration, the Board of Review for Moving Pictures and all other offices and branches of the service not assigned by law to any Department. The President’s Action Committee on Social Amel­ioration and the Social Welfare Commission are hereby merged to constitute the Social ‘Welfare Administration.”

Section 2. Section seventy-five of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 75. Executive Departments.—There shall be ten executive departments, to wit: the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Depart­ment of Finance, the Department of Justice, the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Department of Public Works and Communications, the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, the Department of National Defense, the Department of Health and the Department of Commerce and Industry, which shall be under the direct control of the respective Secretaries of Departments, exercising their functions subject to the general supervision and control of the President of the Philippines.

Section 3. Section seventy-six of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 76. Secretaries of Departments.—The Department of Foreign Affairs shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs; the Department of Finance shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Finance; the Department of Justice shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Justice; the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources; the Department of Public Works and Communications shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications; the Department of Education shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Education; the Department of Labor shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Labor; the Department of National Defense shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of National Defense; the Department of Health shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Health; the Department of Commerce and Industry shall perform its functions under the executive authority of the Secretary of Commerce and Industry.”

Section 4. Effective July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-one, the scale of the minimum and maximum rates of compensation of government officers or employees possessing different civil service eligibilities shall be as follows:



(a) First grade eligibles



No limit

(b) Second grade eligibles




(c) Third grade eligibles




(d) Senior stenographers



No limit

(e) Junior stenographers




(f) Senior typists




(g) Junior typists





Section 5. The Radio Broadcasting Board is hereby abolished, and all the personnel, powers, duties, functions, activities, equipment, materials, properties, records and the unexpended balances of funds or appropriations pertaining to said Board are transferred to the Philippine Information Council created under Executive Order Numbered Three hundred and forty-eight, dated September twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and fifty, as amended.


Section 6. Section twenty-eight of Executive Order Numbered Ninety-four, dated October four, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, is hereby amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 28. The Executive Secretary shall have immediate supervision and control over the Bureau of Printing, the Fire Prevention Board and the Games and Amusements Board.”

Section 7. There is hereby created under the executive supervision of the Executive Secretary an office to be known as the Games and Amusements Board to be composed of three members appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments. The powers, duties and functions of the Racing Commission, the Boxing and Wrestling Commission and the Jai-Alai are hereby consolidated and transferred to, and shall be assumed and exercised by, the Games and Amusements Board. One member of the Board shall administer and supervise all activities on horse racing, the other member shall administer and supervise all activities on boxing and wrestling, and the third member shall administer and supervise the Jai-Alai.


Section 8. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Foreign Affairs.—The Department of Foreign Affairs shall have executive supervision over the Board of Foreign Affairs Service Personnel, Examination and Review; the Office of Political and Economic Affairs; the Office of Administration, Controls and Foreign Service Affairs; the Office of International Social and Cultural Affairs; and over the Embassies, Legations, Consulates and other offices or units composing the Foreign Service of the Republic of the Philippines.

Section 9. Abolition of National Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Matters.—The National Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Matters is hereby abolished, and all its powers, duties and functions, and its records, property, equipment and personnel, except the Chairman, the members and the executive secretary, are transferred to the Department of Foreign Affairs.


Section 10. Section eighty-one of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

” SEC. 81. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Finance.—The Department of Finance shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Customs, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Bureau of the Treasury, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, the Bureau of Supply and the Tobacco Board. It shall also have general supervision over the financial affairs and financial agencies of provincial, municipal and city governments, and, except as otherwise specially provided, over all funds the investment of which may he authorized by law.”

Section 11. The position of Collector of Customs for the Port of Manila is hereby converted into Deputy Commissioner of Customs with the rank and duties of an assistant chief of a bureau or office. He shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments and shall receive a compensation of seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum. The Deputy Commissioner of Customs shall perform the duties and functions of the Commissioner of Customs during the absence or disability of the latter. In addition to his regular duties he shall be exofficio Collector of Customs for the Port of Manila. The Port of Manila is hereby placed for administrative purposes under the immediate supervision of the Collector of Customs for the Port of Manila.

Section 12. The Procurement Office is hereby changed to and shall hereafter be known as the Bureau of Supply.


Section 13. The Philippine Purchasing Agency in New York as provided in item F-IV-9, Republic Act Numbered Five hundred and sixty-three, is hereby abolished, and the Secretary of Finance is authorized to effect, subject to the approval of the President, the proper disposition of the furniture, supplies, equipment, property, books and records, including the unexpended balance of the Philippine Purchasing Agency Revolving Fund, established by Executive Order Numbered Eighty-one, series of nineteen hundred and forty-five.


Section 14. The first paragraph of section eighty-three of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read, as follows:

“SEC. 83. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Justice.—The Department of Justice shall have executive supervision over the Office of the Solicitor General, the Courts of First Instance and the Inferior Courts, the Public Service Commission, the Bureau of Prisons, the General Land Registration Office, the Court of Industrial Relations, the National Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Immigration, the Board of Pardons and Parole, the Deportation Board, the Code Commission, and the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel. It shall also have general supervision and control of the provincial sheriffs and all law officers of the Government, the provincial and city fiscals or attorneys and other prosecuting officers.”

Section 15. The legal Aid Office Created under Republic Act Numbered Eighty, and the Office of People’s Counsel created under the provisions of Section Thirty-eight of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred and. forty-six, as amended, are hereby abolished.

Section 16. The Office of Special Attorneys created under Republic Act Numbered Three hundred and eleven, is hereby abolished and its powers, functions, and duties shall be assumed by the provincial and city fiscals.

Section 17. The Tenancy Law Enforcement Division created under Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and thirteen, is hereby abolished and its personnel, powers, duties and functions, records, property and equipment shall be transferred to the Court of Industrial Relations.


Section 18. Section eighty-four of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 84. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.—The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Plant Industry, the Bureau of Animal Industry, the Bureau of Forestry, the Bureau” of Lands, the Bureau of Mines, the Bureau of Fisheries, the Fiber Inspection Service, matters pertaining to colonies and plantations of public lands, and matters concerning hunting, fisheries, sponges, and other sea-products, including the issuance of licenses therefor.”


Section 19. Section eighty-five of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 85. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Public Works and Communications.—The Department of Public Works and Communications shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Public Works, the Bureau of Posts, the Bureau of Telecommunications, the Motor Vehicles Office, the Irrigation Council, the Flood Control Commission, the National Transportation Board, the Radio Control Board and the Government Quarters Committee.”


Section 20. The Radio Control Board under the Department of Commerce and Industry, together with its personnel, powers, duties, functions, activities, records, equipment, properties and unexpended balances of funds or appropriations, is hereby transferred to the Department of Public Works and Communications.

Section 21. The Radio Control Division under the Department of Commerce and Industry, together with its personnel, powers, duties, functions, activities, records, equipment and properties, are hereby transferred to the Radio Control Board.


Section 22. The Radio Control Board is hereby reorganized to be composed of the Undersecretary of Public Works and Communications, as Chairman, the Director of Information, the Collector of Internal Revenue, the Director of Public Schools and the Director of Posts, as members. The President may appoint additional members if the needs of the service require. The Chief of the Radio Control Division of the Bureau of Telecommunications shall be the Secretary of the Radio Control Board.


Section 23. Section eighty-two of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 82. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Education.—The Department of Education shall have exclusive supervision over the Bureau of Public Schools, the Bureau of Private Schools, the Bureau of Public Libraries and Museum, the Board on Textbooks, the Institute of National Language and the Philippines Historical Committee.”

Section 24. The National Museum under the Executive Office is hereby abolished and all its powers, duties, functions, records, properties, equipment and personnel, except the Director, are hereby transferred to the Bureau of Public Libraries which shall hereafter be known as the Bureau of Public Libraries and Museum.

Section 25. The Committee on School Health for Medical and Dental Services, now functioning under the Office of the President, is hereby transferred, together with its personnel, powers, duties, functions, activities, equipment, materials and records, to the executive supervision of the Department of Health.

The Secretary of Health shall be the Chairman of the Committee on School Health for Medical and Dental Services.

The Medical and Dental Services being administered by the aforesaid committee shall be transferred from the Bureau of Public Schools to the Bureau of Health.

A Division of Home Economics is hereby created in the Bureau of Public Schools.

Section 26. The present Central Luzon Agricultural School located in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, is hereby changed to Central Luzon Agricultural College which shall offer, in addition to its present four-year secondary agricultural course, one-year farm mechanics course and its special courses, also a two-year, a four-year, and a post-graduate course leading to the title of Associate in Agricultural Education and the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education, and Master of Science in Agricultural Education, respectively.


Section 27. The Philippine Nautical School, at present under the Philippine Naval Patrol, is hereby transferred, together with its personnel, powers, duties, functions, activities, properties, equipment, materials and records, to the control and supervision of the Bureau of Public Schools.



Section 28. The powers, duties and functions concerning the administration of the Copyright Law, vested in the Patent Office pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act Numbered One hundred and sixty-seven, are hereby transferred, together with the records, equipment and personnel concerned therewith, to the Bureau of Public Libraries and Museum.


Section 29. Section four of Act Numbered Four thousand one hundred and twenty-seven, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 4. Bureaus and offices under the Department of Labor.—The Department of Labor shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Labor, the Labor-Management Advisory Board, the Placement Bureau, and all bureaus, divisions and offices hereafter created concerning labor alone and labor in its relation with capital, and also the proper enforcement of all laws relative to labor and capital in the Philippines and over all other matters related to the welfare of the Filipino laborers in this country and abroad.“The Secretary of Labor shall be the Chairman of the Labor-Management Advisory Board.”


Section 30. There is hereby created an office to be known as the Placement Bureau under the executive supervision of the Department of Labor. It shall have a chief to be known as Director of Replacement whose compensation shall De seven thousand two hundred pesos per annum.

Section 31. The Placement Bureau shall assist applicants for employment in the civil service of the Government with a view to placing them in suitable positions for which they are duly qualified, taking into consideration civil service rules and regulations. It shall, from time to time, gather and compile statistical data relative to the vacancies occurring in the different executive departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, and other instrumentalities of the Government including the corporations owned or controlled by it.

Section 32. To facilitate the employment of applicants for positions in the civil service, the Director of Placement shall, in consultation with the Commissioner of Civil Service, prepare a list of eligibles qualified for appointment to the various vacancies in the civil service. The list shall be arranged according to priority of choice and only those whose names are submitted by the Director of Placement shall be considered for appointment in the office where the vacancy exists. No appointment shall be approved by the Bureau of Civil Service.

Section 33. The Placement Bureau shall also assist in the employment of private persons in private establishments and to this end it shall:

  • (a) Keep a register of bona fide applicants for private employment and provide free placement service for labor of all types.

  • (b) Collect and analyze in cooperation with the Director of the Bureau of Census and Statistics the fullest available information on the employment situation.

  • (c) Encourage and assist private organizations in social and economic planning calculated to insure a favorable employment situation.

  • (d) Cooperate in the administration of such employment insurance or assistance schemes and other measures as may be established for the relief of the unemployed.

  • (e) Administer Act No. 2486 entitled “An Act fixing a tax upon every person or entity engaged in recruiting or contracting laborers in the Philippines, and amending sub-section (a) of section fifty-three of Act Numbered Twenty hundred and thirty-nine.

Section 34. The Secretary of Labor, with the approval of the President, shall promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to carry into effect the aims and purposes of the Placement Bureau.

Section 35. The Labor Placement Division of the Bureau of Labor is hereby abolished and all its personnel, activities and functions, records, properties and equipment are hereby transferred to the Placement Bureau.


Section 36. Republic Act Numbered Three hundred sixty-seven creating the Bureau of Industrial Safety, is hereby repealed, and Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred four, as amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered six hundred ninety-six, is hereby revived. The provisions of the two aforesaid Commonwealth Acts shall be limited in their application to industrial enterprises, and an Industrial Safety Engineering Division shall be established under the Bureau of Labor in order to carry out the provisions of the said Acts.

The powers, duties and functions conferred upon the Secretary of Labor by the provisions of the two aforecited Commonwealth Acts concerning safety standards and the safety of the laborers and employees in mines, quarries, or metallurgical operations, are hereby transferred to, and shall hereafter be assumed and exercised by, the Director of Mines.


Section 37. Section two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred thirty, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 2. Bureaus and offices under the Department of National Defense.—The Department of National Defense shall be charged with the duty of supervising the national defense program of the country, and for this purpose, it shall have executive supervision over the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine Veterans Board, the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Munitions Board. This Department shall function under the executive control of the Secretary of National Defense who may be assisted by an Undersecretary.”

Section 38. The Board on Pensions for Veterans is hereby abolished and its powers, duties, functions, properties, equipment and personnel, except the Chairman and the members, are hereby transferred to the Philippine Veterans Board created under Republic Act Numbered sixty-five, as amended, under the executive supervision of the Department of National Defense.

The Philippine Veterans Board shall be composed of a chairman and six members, two of whom shall be veterans of past Philippine revolutions or wars.


Section 39. The second paragraph of Executive Order Numbered Three hundred and seventeen, dated January seventh, nineteen hundred and forty-one, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

“The Department of Health shall be charged with the protection of the health of the people, the maintenance of sanitary conditions, and the proper enforcement of the laws and regulations relative to health, sanitation, foods, drugs and narcotics, slum housing, garbage and other waste disposal, and for these purposes it shall exercise executive supervision over the Bureau of Health; the Bureau of Quarantine; the Bureau of Hospitals; the National Advisory Health Council; the Alabang Vaccine and Serum Laboratories; the Institute of Nutrition; the Committee on School Health for Medical and Dental Services; the health department of chartered cities; and national, provincial, city and municipal hospitals, dispensaries and clinics, except the Philippine General Hospital; the public markets and slaughterhouses; hotels, restaurants and other food establishments; and health resorts and similar establishments.”


Section 40. The Institute of Nutrition, under the Executive Office, together with its personnel, records, equipment, properties, powers, duties, functions and activities, are hereby transferred to the Department of Health.

The Division of Biological Research and the Division of Food Technology of the Institute of Science, together with their activities and functions, personnel, equipment, records and properties, shall be transferred to the Institute of Nutrition. The remaining divisions or units of the Institute of Science are hereby organized and constituted into the Institute of Applied Science and Technology which is hereby placed under the executive supervision of the Administrator of Economic Coordination. The Board of Regents of the Institute of Science shall hereafter be known as the Advisory Board thereof.


Section 41. There is hereby created, under the Department of Health, a Division of Tuberculosis to be composed of the National Chest Center and the Section of Tuberculosis Control which is at present under the Office of the Secretary of Health.


Section 42. Section one hundred and thirty-four of Executive Order Numbered Ninety-four, dated October fourth, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, is hereby amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 134. The Department of Commerce and Industry shall have executive supervision over the Bureau of Commerce, the Cooperative Administration Office, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Weather Bureau, the Patent Office, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Manila Trading Center and Exchange, the Sugar Quota Administration, the Fair Trade Board and the Bureau of the Census and Statistics.”


Section 43. The Sugar Quota Office is hereby renamed “Sugar Quota Administration.”


Section 44. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics, under the Executive Office, together with its personnel, records, equipment, properties, powers, duties, functions and activities, is hereby transferred to the Department of Commerce and Industry.

Section 45. Officials and employees who are separated from the service by reason of the abolition of their positions in this Executive Order shall be entitled to gratuity equivalent to one month salary for every year of continuous satisfactory service rendered but not exceeding twelve months on the basis of the last salary received payable from the savings from the appropriations provided in Republic Acts Nos. 426, 461, 475, 485, 563, 575 and 576 as a result of the reorganization effected in this order; Provided, That any official or employee who has rendered less than one year but at least six months’ service shall be entitled to a gratuity equivalent to one-half month salary; Provided, further, That, in case an official or employee is reinstated in the government service or in any government owned or controlled corporation, he shall be required to refund to the bureau, office, branch or entity from which he received the gratuity that portion which he would not yet have received had it been paid to him in monthly installment; Provided, further, That those entitled to a gratuity of not more than three months shall be paid their gratuity in full immediately upon their separation from the service; those entitled to more than three months but not exceeding six months shall be paid upon their separation an additional one-half month salary for every month in addition to the full gratuity corresponding to the first three months; and those who are entitled to a gratuity of more than six months shall be paid their gratuity in full for the next following three months. The balance due to those entitled to more than three months’ gratuity shall be paid upon certification by the Fund Release Control Committee created under Administrative Order No. 129 dated August 8, 1950, of the availability of the necessary cash therefor but hot later than December 31, 1951.

Section 46. In filling of vacancies that may occur in any Department, bureau or office, after January 1, 1951, including those in government-owned or controlled corporations, preference shall be given, unless otherwise authorized by the President, to those separated from the service by reason of the abolition of their positions in this Executive Order. SEC.

Section 47. Effective July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-one, the scale of the minimum and maximum rates of compensation of government officers or employees possessing different civil service eligibilities shall be as follows:



(a) First grade eligibles



No limit

(b) Second grade eligibles




(c) Third grade eligibles




(d) Senior stenographers



No limit

(e) Junior stenographers




(f) Senior typists




(g) Junior typists





Section 48. From the total authorized appropriations of P344,163,197 consisting of—

1. For the expenses of the Import Control Board and the Import Control Administration, Republic Act No. 426



2. Additional appropriation for the Armed Forces of the Philippines for the campaign for the maintenance of peace and order, Republic Act No. 461



3. For the maintenance and operation of the Port of Cagayan, Province of Oriental Misamis, Republic Act No. 475



4. Additional appropriation for the maintenance and operation of the Bunawan National Junior Agricultural School, Republic Act No. 485



5. General Appropriations, Republic Act No, 563



6. Additional funds for the operation and maintenance of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 575



7. Additional funds for the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 576




Section 49. All Acts, Executive Orders, Administrative Orders, or Proclamations or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


Section 50. If. any provision of this Order should be held invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.


Section 51. This Order shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and fifty-one, except where otherwise stated.

Done in the City of Manila, this thirty-first day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty and of the Independence of the Philippines, the fifth.


President of the Philippines

By the President:


Executive Secretary

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