WHEREAS, the need for a National Defense College to conduct continuing and intensive studies of the diversified problems relative to national defense has long been felt in our Armed Forces;
WHEREAS, the preparation of mobilization plans involving the financial, industrial, economic, social, and moral forces and resources of the nation does not fall exclusively on the Department of National Defense but must be shared equally by the other Executive Departments of the Government; and
WHEREAS, the Philippines, after its almost two decades of political independence, does not yet have an educational institution dedicated to the specific mission of training military leaders and civilian executives for top positions of leadership in the Department of National Defense, the National Security Council, and other Executive Departments of the Government, which they may be called upon to fill in case of national emergency.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and by the National Defense Act, do hereby order the establishment of the National Defense College of the Philippines.
The mission of the National Defense College shall be to prepare potential defense leaders to assume and discharge the responsibilities of high command, staff, and policy-formulating functions within the National Government and the national and international security structure. In complying with this broad mission, the National Defense College shall have the following specific objectives;
(1) To conduct studies on national objectives, particularly those relating to manpower, material, and money resources; to balance these objectives with available resources; to translate these further into national plans, programs, and budgets; and to identify and recommend the promotion of specific industrial enterprises to strengthen the national mobilization base;
(2) To conduct studies on the inter-related military-political, logistical, administrative, sociological, scientific, technological, and economic aspects of national production for economic development and/or for the contingency of war;
(3) To inquire into the war-potential of major nations, particularly our neighbors and other nations of the world;
(4) To enhance the preparation of civilians and military students for the exercise of interdepartmental coordination and for a combined, integrated or joint planning of national strategy, tactics, and the massive and expeditious mobilization of resources in the event of war; and
(5) To provide the students with the broad perspectives necessary for the formulation and development of national policies and the ability to arrive at responsible and sound decisions.
The National Defense College as herein established shall be organized and administered by the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines, under the general supervision and control of the Secretary of National Defense.
Such amount as shall be necessary for the implementation of this order shall come from the Armed Forces of the Philippines funds.
This Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and sixty-three.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary