WHEREAS, higher education should serve as an instrument for the intensification of Philippine nationalism by nurturing thorough knowledge and true appreciation of Philippine history and Philippine culture;
WHEREAS, the present war has raised innumerable questions in international relations, economics, political science, sociology, and other subjects which the Filipino youth should examine;
WHEREAS, the college education of thousands of Filipino young men and women which has been interrupted by the war should be resumed immediately in order to afford ample opportunity to those who were already far advanced in their studies when the war broke out to finish their courses;
WHEREAS, there is need for coordination of functions and elimination of duplication of activities of higher institutions of learning;
WHEREAS, it is necessary to familiarize teachers, particularly elementary school teachers, with the ideals and objectives of the nation and to imbue them with the declared policies of the State; and
WHEREAS, the reopening of universities and colleges renews the sense of confidence and the atmosphere of normalcy among the people;
NOW, THEREFORE, I JOSE P. LAUREL, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of .the powers vested in me by law and upon recommendation of the National Education Board created under Executive Order No. 5 dated October 23, 1943, do hereby declare that the Republic is committed to the execution of the following educational policies:
1. The encouragement of higher education under proper guidance.
2. The restoration of the University of the Philippines, eventually to be located outside of the City of Manila, as the cultural center of the State dedicated to more active scientific research as well as to the promotion of Philippine nationalism, the development of the national language and the study of oriental culture.
3. The encouragement of private universities and colleges directed by Filipinos, although those not directed by Filipinos should be allowed to continue upon compliance with the provisions of Executive Order No. 10, dated November 30, 1943, and such other conditions as may be prescribed by the State.
4. The authorization of the reopening of higher institutions of learning only upon the fulfillment of Imperative conditions to be determined by the Minister of Education after a survey of the demands for professionals and the facilities of higher institutions of learning to meet these demands shall have been made in order to avoid unnecessary duplication and competition.
5. The placing of teacher training for elementary school teachers under the direct and exclusive control and supervision of the State, since the elementary school teachers are the first ones to come in contact with the unbiased minds of the elementary school children and hence exert profound influence on the development of the latters attitude and ideals during their formative stage. In practice, this would mean the withdrawal of authority from private teacher colleges for elementary school teachers, and the establishment of more normal schools by the State.
6. The equitable distribution of colleges and universities throughout the country for the speedy spread of enlightenment and culture, thus remedying the anomalous condition now obtaining where majority of our colleges and universities are clustered in the metropolis.
Done at the City of Manila, this 31st day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-four, and of the Republic of the Philippines, the first.
President of the Republic of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary