WHEREAS, Presidential Decree (PD) No. 474 (s. 1974) or the "Maritime Industry Decree of 1974," as amended, created the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) to accelerate the integrated development of the maritime industry of the Philippines;
WHEREAS, Section 5 of PD No. 474 mandated the preparation and annual updating of a Ten (10)-Year Maritime Industry Development Program (MIDP) that contains a rational and integrated development plan of the maritime industry for submission to, and approval by, the President;
WHEREAS, to fully realize our potential as a maritime nation, the country requires a clearly defined and coordinated roadmap that shall accelerate the integrated development of the Philippine Maritime Industry;
WHEREAS, the MIDP envisions a strong and reliable Philippine Merchant Fleet that addresses the sea transport requirements of the archipelago in support of national development, consistent with the country's AmBisyon Nation 2040 of a strongly rooted, comfortable and secure life for all Filipinos;
WHEREAS, the Administration's Eight (8)-Point Socioeconomic Agenda seeks to improve transportation and the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 aims to enhance inter-sectoral linkages by accelerating the development of a globally competitive maritime industry while positioning the country as a key aviation hub in Asia;
WHEREAS, to ensure the effective implementation of the MIDP, it is imperative that all government agencies and instrumentalities align and harmonize their policies and courses of action with the 10-Year MIDP; and
WHEREAS, Section 17, Article VII of the Constitution vests in the President the power of control over all executive departments, bureaus, and offices, and the mandate to ensure the faithful execution of laws;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and existing laws, do hereby order:
Section 1. Adoption and Implementation. Pursuant to Section 5 of the PD No. 474, the Maritime Industry Development Plan 2028 is hereby approved and adopted as the whole of nation roadmap for the integrated development and strategic direction of the maritime industry.
Towards this end, the MARINA Board shall adopt a system for the effective implementation, monitoring and review of the MIDP, and its component programs as follows:
a. Modernization and expansion of domestic shipping;
b. Promotion and expansion of the overseas shipping industry;
c. Modernization, expansion and promotion of shipbuilding and ship repair industry;
d. Promotion of highly-skilled and competitive maritime workforce;
e. Enhancements of maritime transport safety and security;
f. Promotion of maritime transport safety and security;
g. Implementation of a sustainable maritime innovation, transformation, digitalization and knowledge center; and
h. Adoption of an effective and efficient maritime administration governance system.
Section 2. Convergence. Pursuant to Section 5 of PD No. 474, all relevant national government agencies and instrumentalities, including government-owned or -controlled corporations, government financial institutions, and state universities and colleges, are hereby directed, and all local govenrment units are hereby encouraged, to implement the MIDP, as well as the plans, programs and strategies identified therein that are relevant to their respective mandates.
Section 3. MIDP Technical Board. An MIDP Technical Board (TB) is hereby created to assist the MARINA Board in the implementation, monitoring, updating and review of the MIDP.
The MIDP TB shall be initially composed of the representatives of the MARINA Board under Section 7 of PD No. 474, with rank not lower than of an Assistant Secretary or its equivalent. The MARINA Board may invite or enjoin participation of other relevant agencies or instrumentalities as additional members, whenever necessary in the performance and functions of the MIDP TB.
The MARINA Board may create technical working groups (TWG) based on the component programs identified in the MIDP, consisting of representatives of agencies and instrumentalities with relevant mandates. Representatives to the TWG/s shall have a rank not lower than that of a Director or its equivalent.
The MIDP TB and the TWGs shall meet every quarter, or as frequently as may be deemed necessary by the MARINA Administrator or the MARINA Board.
The MARINA shall provide secretariat services to the MIDP TB and its TWGs.
Section 4. Functions of the MIDP Technical Board. The MIDP TB shall perform the following functions, subject to the control and supervision of the MARINA Board:
a. Review, monitor and recommend approval of MIDP-related policies and programs to the MARINA Board;
b. Periodically conduct comprehensive review of the MIDP, using evidence-driven approaches and internationally recognized standards and best practices, and develop pertinent policy and implementation guidelines thereof for the approval of the MARINA Board;
c. Establish an integrated database and information system following a specific statistical framework for the maritime industry which will address the information needed for monitoring, reviewing and updating the MIDP-related policies and programs, in coordination with the Philippine Statistics Authority;
d. Prepare progress and performance reports for review and information of the MARINA Board; and
e. Perform other functions as may be requested by the MARINA Administrator or the MARINA Board.
Section 5. Funding. The funding requirements for the implementation of this Order shall be charged against current and available appropriations of MARINA and other relevant agencies, subject to pertinent budgeting, accounting, and auditing laws, rules and regulations. Thereafter, the funding requirements necessary for the continued implementation of this Order shall be included in the budget proposals of the MARINA and other relevant agencies, subject to the usual budget preparation process.
Section 6. Communication Plan. The MARINA shall implement the Communication Plan included as part of the MIDP, in coordination with the Presidential Communications Office.
Section 7. Report. A progress report on the status of implementation of this Order and the MIDP shall be submitted by the MARINA to the Office of the President, through the Office of the Executive Secretary, within six (60 months from the implementation of this Order, and every year thereafter.
Such progress report shall contain annual targets, accomplishments and data on budget utilization, as may be applicable, on each of the programs identified in the MIDP.
Section 8. Separability. If any section or part of this Order is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions not otherwise affected shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 9. Repeal. All other orders, guidelines, rules, regulations, and issuances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 10. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
DONE, in the City of Manila, this 8th day of February, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Four.
By the President:
Executive Secretary