By virtue of the powers vested in me by Section thirty-five of Commonwealth Act Numbered One, as amended, otherwise known as the National Defense Act, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, do hereby prescribe:
1. All colleges and universities having an enrollment of at least two hundred fifty male students, shall include a course of military instruction commonly known as ROTC Course as a compulsory portion of their respective curricula for all physically fit male citizens of the Philippines of undergraduate status, and shall faithfully conduct the course in accordance with the policies and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense: Provided, that regulations prescribing duties for the school authorities in connection with the enrollment, administration and school discipline of students subject to the ROTC course, shall be as prescribed jointly by the Secretary of National Defense, Secretary of Education and the President of the State College or University concerned, and approved by the President of the Philippines.
2. The Chief of Staff, AFP, shall take care that competent officers of the Armed Forces are detailed to conduct the ROTC Course herein required and that duly established ROTC Units are supplied with the necessary military equipment, without expenses on the part of the colleges and universities concerned, except as to that involved in the care and maintenance thereof and in furnishing the regulation bonds, adequate armory and training grounds.
3. All ROTC/WATC fees and contributions collected by the colleges and universities concerned shall be expended exclusively in the operation and maintenance of the ROTC/WATC Units established therein except as provided in paragraph 2 hereof in accordance with the policies and regulations to be prescribed jointly by the Secretary of National Defense, Secretary of Education and the President of the State College or University concerned, and approved by the President of the Philippines.
4. ROTC instruction shall be scheduled at such hours and on such days of the week, including Saturdays and Sundays, as shall be necessary to complete the ROTC requirements. The Secretary of National Defense, Secretary of Education and the President of the State College or University concerned shall jointly prescribed the regulations for this purpose.
5. By authority of Act Numbered twenty-seven hundred and six, as amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered one hundred eighty, failure on the part of any institution hereinbefore mentioned, now recognized by the Government, to comply with the Order or the rules and regulations prescribed pursuant thereto, shall be sufficient cause for the Secretary of Education to have such recognition withdrawn.
6. Failure on the part of State Colleges and Universities to comply with this Order shall subject the responsible officials thereof to administrative action.
7. No institution of learning required to establish an ROTC course under this Order shall be granted Government recognition unless its curricula include the prescribed course of military instruction.
8. No exemptions of this Order shall be granted except by specific direction of the President of the Philippines upon the favorable recommendation of the Secretary of Education through the Secretary of National Defense.
9. The Secretary of National Defense shall include in the ROTC Course herein provided instruction and training to prepare the female students for enlisted and/or commissioned service in the Women’s Auxiliary Corps. However, the establishment of such Women’s Auxiliary Corps course shall be optional on the part of the institution of learning, and enrollment therein shall be voluntary on the part of the student.
10. Executive Order No. 207, dated June 15, 1939, and rules and regulations inconsistent with this Order, are hereby repealed.
11. This Order shall take effect upon approval.
Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of February in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary