By virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and existing law, I, MANUEL ROXAS, President of the Philippines, do hereby promulgate the following rules and regulations governing rentals for houses and lots for residential buildings.
Section 1. Third Order shall apply to all contracts of lease for the use of a building or part thereof, other than principally for a commercial or industrial purpose, excepting rooms of an hotel, or of a lot or lots intended for the construction of buildings for residential purposes; Provided, however, that subsisting written contracts of lease duly reported to the Office of the Mayor as now provided by law when the property involved is assessed at an amount not less than fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) shall not be subject to the provisions of this Order.
Section 2. The collection of rents on the properties described in Section 1 hereof which are in excess of 12 per centum per annum or 1 per centum per month of the assessed value of the building and lot on which it is erected is hereby declared unlawful. If the lessee occupies only part of the building or lot, the proportionate assessed value of the building or lot corresponding to the part occupied by him shall be the basis for determining the maximum rental authorized by this Order. When a lessee subleases the whole of the property, it shall be unlawful to collect more that 12 per centum of the assessed value of the property if the sublease covers the whole thereof; nor more than 12 per centum of the proportionate assessed value of the portion subleased plus an amount not exceeding 10 per centum of the rentals for the sublease if the same covers only a part of the building or lot.
Section 3. For the purpose of determining the assessed value of buildings constructed or reconstructed after the date of this Order, the owner or owners shall file affidavits with the provincial or city Assessor immediately upon completion thereof and before the lessee occupies the same, stating the cost of construction or reconstruction and accompanied by vouchers and receipts showing the actual cost thereof. Upon receipt of this declaration, the assessor shall proceed to assess or to reassess, as the case may be, the property in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Section 4. Any person who directly or indirectly collects any rent or payment in an amount higher than that authorized by this Order, or any landlord who takes part in any artifice, combination or arrangement, or performs any act or subterfuge to evade the provisions of this Order, or who, for the purpose of evading this Order, issues a receipt for an amount less than that really collected by him as rental or rentals, or refuses to issue any receipt therefore, shall be punished by a fine of not less than P400 nor more than P400 or imprisonment for not less than 4 months nor more than 4 years, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Section 5. Such provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 689, as amended by Republic Act No. 66, as are not covered by, or not inconsistent with, the provisions of this Order, are hereby continued in force and effect and shall be considered suppletory hereto.
Section 6. This Order shall be in force until December 31, 1948.
Done at the City of Manila, this 21st day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the first.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Chief of the Executive Office