WHEREAS, Section 5 and Section 7 of Commonwealth Act No. 683 provides as follows:
“Section 5. The Office of Foreign Relations shall take charge of all matters affecting the relations of the Government of the Philippines with the United States and foreign nations, and such other matters relating to international relations which the President of the Philippines may consider proper to be placed under its charge.”
“Section 7. Upon the declaration of the independence of the Philippines, the powers and functions of this office shall automatically be taken over by the Department in charge of foreign affairs of the Philippines with a Department Secretary at its head.”
WHEREAS, in creating the Office of Foreign Relations it was the intention to provide the means of coordinating the functions and activities of the Government pertaining to the relations of the Government of the Philippines with the United States and other countries and establish the nucleus of the department of foreign affairs to be created after independence has been declared; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that all matters affecting the relations of the Government of the Philippines with the United States and foreign countries be conducted through the Office of Foreign Relations to enable it to carry out properly its functions as provided in Commonwealth Act No. 683 and Executive Order No. 76 issued on December 3, 1945;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, SERGIO OSMEÑA, President of the Philippines, do hereby order that hereafter:
1. All official communications and correspondence on matters affecting the relations of the Government of the Philippines with the United States and foreign countries from all departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Commonwealth Government, or of any provincial, municipal, or city government, to the Office of the United States High Commissioner; to local offices or officers of the military and naval forces of the United States in the Philippines; to foreign consular officers or agents; in the Philippines; and to persons, corporations; offices bureaus, or departments in the United States or in foreign countries, be sent to the Office, of Foreign Relation for transmittal to their destination through proper channels: Provided, however, that in urgent cases where it is imperative to catch an outgoing mail steamer or air mail the communication may be mailed direct and a copy thereof simultaneously sent to the Office of Foreign Relations with a statement of such mailing and the date thereof.
2. All official communications and correspondence on matters affecting the relations of the Government of the Philippines with the United States and foreign countries coming from the Office of the United States High Commissioner; from local offices or officers of the military and naval forces of the United States in the Philippines; from foreign consular officers or agents in the Philippines; from persons, corporations, offices, bureaus, or departments in the United States or in foreign countries and from the Office of the Resident Commissioner to the United States heretofore received and handled by the Office of the President shall hereafter be forwarded to the Office of Foreign Relations.
Executive Order Numbered one hundred four, dated June fourteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and all other executive orders which may be inconsistent with the provisions of this executive order are hereby repealed
This Executive Order shall take effect as of January 1, 1946.
Done at the City of Manila, Philippines, this 2nd day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-six and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the eleventh.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary to the President