In view of the failure of Congress to provide funds in the current budget (Republic Act No. 4164) for the operation of the Presidential Committee on Administration Performance Efficiency (PCAPE) created under Executive Order No. 1, dated December 30, 1961, I, DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
The Presidential Committee on Administration Performance Efficiency (PCAPE), created under Executive Order No. 1, dated December 30, 1961, is hereby abolished.
The records, property, equipment, unexpended balance of appropriations, and pending work of the PCAPE under Executive Order No. 1, dated December 30, 1961, and Executive Order No. 55, dated October 1, 1963, are hereby transferred to the Office of the President.
The officials and employees detailed to the PCAPE from other offices or entities are hereby returned to their respective offices or entities. Such personnel as may not be necessary to finish the pending work of the PCAPE are authorized to receive a gratuity of one-month salary for every year of continuous satisfactory service in the government but not exceeding twelve months, on the basis of the last salary received: provided, that if any of said officials or employees are entitled to gratuity under any retirement law, they shall select either such gratuity or the gratuity herein provided; and provided, further, that in case an official or employee who receives gratuity is reinstated in the government service, he shall refund to the National Government the unexpired portion of his gratuity.
This Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and sixty-four.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Acting Executive Secretary