Pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred sixty-nine, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and by the said Act, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, do hereby constitute and create a committee to be composed of nine members, three of whom shall be appointed for a term of three years, three for two years, and three for one year. Hereafter, three members shall be appointed each year for a term of three years. The members appointed shall elect from among themselves the chairman of the Committee and its secretary.
The Committee shall meet at least a month or as often as may be necessary to perform the duties imposed upon it by law, to wit:
(a) To identify, designate, and appropriately mark the historic antiquities abounding in the Philippines:
(b) To preserve or repair important antiquities owned by the Government of the Philippines or any of its political subdivisions; and
(c) To acquire by purchase or otherwise antiquities owned by private persons.
The Committee is hereby empowered to secure the cooperation of all public officials and citizens, whenever possible, and such officials shall furnish to the Committee, on its request, copies of all records, papers, and information in their possession, relating to any subject under its consideration, free of charge.
In order to enable the Committee to carry out its functions, it is hereby authorized to expend, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the President, the funds appropriated by Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred sixty-nine and such other funds as may be authorized yearly for the purpose in the General Appropriation Act.
Done at the City of Manila, this twenty-third day of January, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the second.
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Secretary of the Interior