WHEREAS, Section 1, Chapter 1, Title XV, Book IV of Executive Order (EO) No. 292 (s. 1987) or the "Administrative Code of 1987," espouses the Government's commitment to the maintenance and expansion of efficient, fast, safe and dependable transportation systems, which are effective instruments for national recovery and economic progress;
WHEREAS, the transportation sector, which includes the railways industry, has been identified as a priority sector under Ambisyon Nation 2040, where investments should be complemented by appropriate human capital development;
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation (DOTr) is mandated under EO No. 292 to establish and prescribe rules and regulations for the inspection of land transportation facilities, specifically railways;
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to develop the human resource capacities of railways personnel to ensure their availability and competence, and guarantee their compliance with generally accepted standards of practice, as well as the rules and regulations pertaining to the safety, operation and maintenance of railways; and
WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 17 of the Constitution provides that the President shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus and offices, and shall ensure the faithful execution of the laws;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
Section 1. Creation and Mandate. The Philippine Railways Institute (PRI) is hereby created as a research and training center under the DOTr, and shall serve as the planning, implementing, regulating and administrative entity for the development of human resources in the railways sector, to ensure efficient, reliable and safe railway transportation services. The PRI shall be placed under the administrative supervision of the DOTr.
Section 2. Powers and Functions. The PRI shall have the primary powers and functions of developing, formulating and recommending plans, programs, standards and guidelines pertaining to the development of personnel in the railways sector. Consistent with its mandate, the PRI, with the guidance and supervision of the DOTr Secretary, shall:
(a) Formulate and recommend guidelines regarding human resources development in the railways sector, including the promotion of safety in train operations;
(b) Establish and administer a comprehensive human resources development program for railways personnel, and for this purpose, call on relevant agencies and entities whose development programs include human resources development for railways personnel, to participate and assist in the preparation and implementation of such program;
(c) Coordinate with the Department of Education, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, the Commission on Higher Education, Professional Regulation Commission, the University of the Philippines - National Center for Transportation Studies, and relevant government agencies to assist in the formulation of guidelines on human resources development and other matters related thereto, including relevant research, and issue technical standards to ensure competency of railways personnel;
(d) Prescribe rules and regulations for the issuance of certificates attesting to the competence of railways personnel, including train drivers;
(e) Prescribe rules and regulations for the accreditation of training facilities of railways operators and independent training centers;
(f) Assist in the enforcement of laws, rules and regulations in the field of human resources development for the railways sector;
(g) Determine and collect reasonable fees, dues or assessments relative to certificates and accreditations issued under this Order, and all trainings and services to be administered by the PRI;
(h) Accept, through the DOTr, donations, grants, services and assistance of all kinds from private and public sources, foreign governments, as well as international institutions, and utilize the same for the purposes set forth in this Order, provided that acceptance of donations and grants from foreign governments shall be subject to prior clearance and approval by the President or his authorized representative; and
(i) Perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Order.
Section 3. Organizational Structure. The PRI shall consist of appropriate divisions on training, certification and accreditation, and research and development.
There shall be an Executive Director (ED), with the rank of an Undersecretary, who shall be appointed by the President. The ED must have at least a Master's Degree in a related field and has experience in the administration, management or implementation of transportation capacity development programs.
The ED shall be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the PRI and exercise control over its personnel.
The ED shall submit to the Department of Budget and Management the Organizational Structure of the PRI, as approved by the DOTr Secretary.
Section 4. Funding. The initial budget of the PRI shall be sourced from the available funds of the DOTr. Appropriations for the succeeding years shall be incorporated in the annual budget proposal of the DOTr.
Section 5. Repeal. All issuances, orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
Section 6. Separability. In the event that any provision of this Order or any part thereof is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the provisions not affected thereby shall remain in force and effect.
Section 7. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
DONE, in the City of Manila, this 21st day of November in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Nineteen.
By the President:
Executive Secretary